You’ve seen the movie, it is available on DVD. Use this COURAGEOUS Men’s Fitness resource to make your resolution to get and stay active with those important to you. There is a lot of content here. So, take your time reading each page then print them. A menu at the bottom of each page will help you easily navigate to all of the resources. Look for Courageous Discussion Questions to enhance your personal experience or strengthen your Men’s group conversations.
The movie COURAGEOUS inspires men to wrestle with their hopes, their fears, their faith and their fathering. While men often give their best on the job they find that being a “good enough” dad is missing the mark. As law enforcement officer Adam Mitchell discovers, training for a 5k race with his son is tough physical exercise that builds their relationship and spiritual strength. The movie is now in theaters. Watch the trailer here:
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In response to the desire by men to be more active (physically and spiritually) in the lives of their family and those important to them, Faith & Fitness Magazine has produced this free online resource. COURAGEOUS Men’s Fitness is filled with easy and practical ideas you can use now to get physically fit and spiritually strong. Each section focuses on a specific area of interest:
– The Busy Man’s Fitness Guide – How To Make Time For Fitness, Family And Friends
– Get Physically Active In The Great Outdoors
– Make Family Fitness Fun Indoors
– Time To Eat – How Men Can Have The Courage To Cook-Up Good Nutrition And Family Fellowship
You can start a COURAGEOUS Men’s Fitness program in your church, gym, office or other place in your community. Take some time to organize it, use these resource pages and then when you are ready, use this printable poster to promote your program. Use this complete resource as your group’s interactive Courageous Study Guide.
Every illustrated page is packed with examples and tips, faith applications, additional resources and social space to interact with others and share your experiences. This is the tool to help you draw closer to God and your children.