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Goodbye Sugar

By Susan Neal RN, MBA, MHS

Group photos in this story photographed for Faith & Fitness Magazine by Becky Antkowiak.

Are you ready to say goodbye to sugar? Our society faces an epidemic because over half of Americans live with a chronic illness and forty percent suffer from obesity.1 What caused this epidemic? I believe it is the sugar-laden foodlike substances that manufacturers entice us to eat. Instead, we need to eat the foods God the Creator designed for humans.

As a registered nurse with a master’s degree in health science, I used my medical knowledge and the Bible to write Christian Study Guide for 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates. This book won the Directors Choice award at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in May 2019.

The struggle to get off sugar and refined carbohydrates isn’t just a physical battle it is a spiritual battle too.

God gave us glorious bodies that can heal when we provide them with the proper nutrition He intended. However, we need to find out what foods are beneficial versus harmful—like sugar. Through gaining knowledge and using God’s spiritual arsenal, this Christian study guide helps the reader reclaim the abundant life God wants us to live. Using the book in a small group gathering lets you be in the flesh giving you direct and personal engagement with others who also want to say “goodbye sugar”.


This guide provides a small group setting for individuals to implement the steps in 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates. Accountability improves a person’s chance for success. You can’t change your lifestyle overnight. An accountability group propels members to achieve their healthy living goals. Each week participants are challenged to make new changes. At the end of the seven weeks, their lives are transformed from the inside out.

Stress can cause us to turn to food instead of God. Tell Him what you think is the origin of your unhealthy eating habit and ask Him to help you.

Have you ever relied on self-control to overcome food temptations but failed? This study teaches how to use God’s power to conquer food issues. We are more than physical beings; we are spiritual as well. The struggle to get off sugar and refined carbohydrates isn’t just a physical battle it is a spiritual battle too.

One of the ways we can fight food addiction is by drawing upon the instruction and encouragement of the Bible.

By storing scriptures in your mind and heart, you can unsheathe the sword of the Spirit at anytime. Speak verses with authority to slash temptations. The spoken Word of God is a double-edged sword that defeats the enemy. Hiding his Word in your heart is vital to your spiritual success on this journey to change.


Emotional wounds such as abuse or addiction can affect eating behaviors. Unhealed offenses could be the root cause of a dysfunctional eating behavior. The Christian Study Guide provides an opportunity to drag skeletons out the closet and expose it to God’s light; this is the key to unlocking the chains of bondage and attain God’s healing. Call on the power of the Holy Spirit to change you from the inside out. With God’s help, you can overcome and succeed.

Do you engage in emotional or stress eating? Stress can cause us to turn to food instead of God. Do you have a specific comfort food you enjoy? Begin the process of cleaning out your emotions with God by telling Him what you think is the origin of your unhealthy eating habit and ask Him to help you heal from any emotional scars. After you pinpoint your issue with food, bring it to God and be honest with Him about what you experience. Each time you recognize that you eat inappropriately, clean out your emotions with the Lord so you can disengage the connection between eating and feelings.

When you implement the steps in this study, you will improve the way you feel and look and increase your energy and clarity of mind. Join in a small group with family, friends and others to say goodbye sugar. You will lose weight naturally without going on a fad diet or buying prepared meals and supplements. These results can be achieved by merely changing the types of food you eat. Through commitment, self-examination, and God’s help, you will improve your health.

Footnote 1: “Chronic Diseases: The Leading Causes of Death and Disability in the United States,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 28, 2017,

GET STARTED TODAY! Order Christian Study Guide For 7 Steps To Get Off Sugar And Carbohydrates for individual or small group use.



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