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Release Training – Stress Reduction With A Punch

By Jon Murphy, Owner, Omega Training Center

Is your stress compounding? And not in a good way like interest, but rather like a cup that is about to overflow. Do you find yourself snapping at your spouse, children or co-workers over mundane issues? We have all been there. Just like the old saying, “The straw that broke the camel’s back.” If you can relate, this Release Training regime is exactly what you need to try.


Let’s get right to the fun stuff. You need some intense training that intentionally focuses your mind on the joy of moving and your spirit on the peace God intends for you to have. Bag work is where the action happens. Vigorous moves mean great muscle flexing with plenty of repetitions. You’ll find the cardio workout is intense. And visualize all that sweat as the stress in life just dripping away from you.

While you may find a single bag or other basic gear at your local gym or boutique studio, I encourage you to find gyms like mine, Omega Training Center that specialize in boxing. Not only do we provide more quality equipment and thoughtfully designed space but you’ll just naturally enjoy the environment and support you get by being part of a larger boxing community.

I made this video to get you familiar with what bag work is and how much stress release it can be.




As a combative athlete, I have taken for granted the therapeutic benefits that come with most of the training I have completed over the last ten years. So when my business was forced to shut down for the pandemic and we welcomed our third child into the world, the stresses began to build. As I sat at home for two months, I had to adapt to online training and keep clients interested through body weight exercises and yoga. 

While I was able to stay, “In shape” and keep physically fit, something was missing.  Well more accurately a lot was missing! One thing in particular that I missed was my ability to unleash my combative side and release the pint up energy and stress. There really is nothing like punching something as hard as you can without a negative side effect.  You can think of it, like a release valve of pressure.  Our daily stresses build up that pressure and compound over time until we can’t take it any longer, and….SNAP!!!

Do yourself a favor and bless your local Boxing or MMA Gym with a new member.  Don’t have a local gym near you? Find an old heavy bag on Facebook marketplace and hang it from a joist in your basement. Or, get a medicine ball and slam it into the ground as hard as you can for at least two sets of sixty seconds. For the first minute count your reps. For subsequent minutes see if you can beat your score.

For those who are not familiar with a med ball, they don’t bounce and they are heavy in a workout kind of way. See what I mean by watching this video.




Keep in mind that anytime you are striking a bag or someone is holding focus mitts for you, you should have your hands properly wrapped to avoid injury. Learning how to properly defend yourself is a fantastic way to build self confidence. This is an attribute that you are never too young or too old to start. The chance that you would ever need to utilize such training is slim to none, but the stress reduction from the release training is well worth the sweat!

Watch this video for detailed instructions and a step-by-step demonstration of how to wrap your hands.




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Further Reading

Are you struggling with something right now? Where is your hope? Shift your perspective and with God you can go through anything....

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