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Who Will You Invite In?

invite in

If anyone comes to your meeting and does not teach the truth about Christ, don’t invite that person into your home or give any kind of encouragement. Anyone who encourages such people becomes a partner in their evil work.

2 John 1:10-11 (NLT)

Who will you invite in?

Do you regularly open your door to a stranger and allow him or her to come into your house and start telling you how to live, what to eat and drink, how to organize your home, what to spend your money on, etc.? If you’re like me, you wouldn’t dare. However, I’ve invited a stranger into my life when I signed up for diet plans created by a random person for the general population with no regard for me personally. Someone who had no regard for my mental and spiritual health, only a smaller after picture. 

Have you done the same?

Any person or plan that tells you that you’re less than, or makes you feel less than, because of your body size, exercise habits (or lack thereof), the food on your plate, etc. should not be welcome into your sphere of influence. Anyone or anything that creates confusion in your life and has you comparing yourself to someone else or another version of yourself, doesn’t deserve a place at your table. 

It’s time to double down on God’s Word. It’s time to set your focus on Jesus, so you will not be distracted by those who are spreading lies about how to have your best year yet and how to become the best version of yourself. 

God’s Word says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. He loves you just as you are. He came for you. It was only a couple of months ago that we celebrated this during the Christmas holidays. It’s a truth you can take with you every single day of the year. 

Carefully consider who you will invite in this year. It will not only have an impact on you but also on those around you. May you choose to be under the influence of God’s Spirit so that you can have a positive impact on others. 

Action Step

We’re still enjoying the beginning of a new year. As you look ahead, take some time to consider what boundaries you need to set. How will you protect your spirit, mind, and body from unwanted influences? You might need to unfollow some social media accounts. Maybe you need to get up early to spend uninterrupted time with the Lord so that you are grounded in truth. Only invite in truth and those who bear the truth of God’s Word.

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