enliven Archives - Faith & Fitness Magazine https://faithandfitness.net/department/enliven/ For Building Physical and Spiritual Strength Thu, 13 Jan 2022 04:38:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 Jacqueline Holness – After The Altar Call https://faithandfitness.net/audio/jacqueline-holness-after-the-alter-call/ Thu, 18 Jul 2019 15:39:54 +0000 https://faithandfitness.net/?post_type=audio&p=8387 AUDIO INTERVIEW: Jacqueline helps people through her blog, afterthealtarcall.com, to live faithfully in daily life. She is certified by the Athletics and Fitness Association of America and is an instructor at L.A. Fitness.

The post Jacqueline Holness – After The Altar Call appeared first on Faith & Fitness Magazine.

Jacqueline helps people through her blog After The Altar Call to live faithfully in daily life. She is certified by Athletics and Fitness Association of America and is an instructor at L.A. Fitness.

Jacqueline is a seasoned & sassy journalist with more than 20 years of professional experience. Currently a correspondent for Courthouse News Service, her articles have also appeared in many other publications including UPSCALE, Christianity Today and Atlanta Tribune magazines as well The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Atlanta Business Chronicle newspapers.

She and her “handsome husband” (as she likes to tell people) live in metro Atlanta, Georgia.

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Faith, Fertility and Fitness: Real Stories, Real Victories https://faithandfitness.net/faith-fertility-and-fitness-real-stories-real-victories-2/ https://faithandfitness.net/faith-fertility-and-fitness-real-stories-real-victories-2/#comments Wed, 27 Sep 2017 23:12:35 +0000 http://lifestylemediagroup.com/drupal2wordpress/2017/09/27/faith-fertility-and-fitness-real-stories-real-victories-2/ With the state of our nation, I think it’s important that we search for commonalities that we all share. Even though this topic is often taboo or simply unspoken in most churches today, it is a topic that many of us can relate to; fertility and conception. We fall in love, get married and the […]

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With the state of our nation, I think it’s important that we search for commonalities that we all share. Even though this topic is often taboo or simply unspoken in most churches today, it is a topic that many of us can relate to; fertility and conception. We fall in love, get married and the baby in the baby carriage is quite naturally the next step, right? For some, but for many women, the road is not so easy.

Why me? So many women ask that question. This is not something that anyone should go through alone.

I remember jumping up and down in excitement after taking the pregnancy test. We were expecting our first baby. A trip to the doctor confirmed those results. After four years of marriage we were ready, it was time. At that moment, I fell in love with the tiny life inside of me. We immediately told our family and friends and would later regret that. Within the next week or so I had already signed up for baby mailings and diaper coupons. About two weeks later, I lost that baby. All I remember is being told, “No heartbeat.” The loss was overwhelming and I grieved hard. The sheer sight of diaper commercials would bring me to tears. And all I could think of was why me? So many women ask the same question.

The fact is about 17% of pregnancies result in miscarriage in the U.S., 12.1% of women have impaired fecundity (problems carrying a baby to term) and 12% of women have used some sort of infertility service (CDC). So, while many women and couples share this struggle, many do it alone. But this is not something that anyone should go through alone or be ashamed of. To shed light on the journey to conception despite miscarriage and/or fertility issues, I interviewed four moms whose stories of victory exhibit expectancy, perseverance and faith. Hear their stories, be inspired by their victories.


Natalina da Silva

When l finally gave up “trying”.

“My husband and l knew that we wanted children so we decided not to protect against pregnancy.  I noticed that my cycles began taking longer and longer to show up. Eventually it stopped coming for months at a time and later even years. After four years I was diagnosed with PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome). While I took the medicine given to me for some time, I eventually gave up and we decided to adopt. The adoption process was put on hold when I learned that my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Another three years passed by and all of a sudden, I got pregnant.  When l finally gave up “trying” and left it up to Gods will, it happened.”


Michelle Glasgow

My faith definitely played a huge part in my pregnancy.

 “I tried for about 7-10 years to conceive. I did not have a regular cycle so it was hard to actual ‘try’ with things such as ovulation calculators and such. My cervix wall was also very thin. Doctors suggested that I was infertile and that if I did conceive that I would not be able to carry the baby full term. The gynecologist suggested that I try a medication to force my body to have a menstruation cycle. Not really for the purposes of getting pregnant because they weren’t sure that could happen but mainly so that I could have a monthly cycle for other health reasons.

Regular routine is to take a pregnancy test prior to taking the medication. This test was obviously negative. I took the medication and was expected to receive my period within two weeks after taking it. After 2 weeks went by and nothing happened I contacted the gynecologist who suggested I come in and take some tests to check my hormone levels. I then received a call that I was 9 weeks pregnant! That explains why the medication didn’t work. Unfortunately, I miscarried the baby due to taking that medication. I actively tried to conceive again but after 2 more years of trying, right when I was about to give in and take the medication again I got pregnant with my son.

My faith definitely played a huge part in my pregnancy. I believed God that I would have a child but after every negative pregnancy test I began to get depressed and lose hope. When I miscarried the baby, I was extremely mad at God. I thought, how could God give me something I wanted so bad and then take it away. I then realized that God doesn’t give us more than we can bear. Perhaps that child would have had serious complications due to the medication that I was taking.

God is a good God and He works everything out for our good. I decided to let go and let God. I finally realized that there was nothing I could do to make this happen. I stopped trying. I stopped checking every month and after a month or 2 of just resting in the Lord, I learned I was pregnant. After having my son, I wanted to be a better example for him in terms of a healthy lifestyle. I lost 100 pounds by exercising and being more conscious of what I eat.”


Kimberly Carter

God had given scientists the ability to perform this miracle.

 “A year went by with my monthly cycle becoming less reliable but no double line on “the test.” One day I started feeling very bad- abdominal cramps. I went to my general practitioner, showing all the signs of appendicitis- tenderness, elated white blood cell count. On gut instinct, I called my OB and explained my symptoms. They performed an internal ultrasound, that is when I received the diagnosis of PCOS- poly cystic ovarian syndrome. We underwent 9 cycles of clomid (a medicine to stimulate ovulation) that resulted in an ectopic pregnancy and 3 chemical pregnancies. Thankfully, the ectopic pregnancy was diagnosed very early and I was able to save my Fallopian tube. The chemical pregnancies were the worst! The test shows positive but there is actually no fetus. The roller coaster was relentless and clomid is a beast! I was then put on a drug called femora- it is used to treat breast cancer, but can also cause ovulation. That was a last straw for me. I decided to self-prescribe a specialist at that point. During all of this, I was undergoing a bevy of tests and procedures trying to figure out what was going on with my body, changing diets and medications constantly.

While we were trying to get pregnant, I had a very strict diet- no artificial sweeteners, limited caffeine, no alcohol. Having PCOS, I have trouble with my weight. I eat a balanced diet but still have trouble maintaining a healthy weight. All of the fertility drugs also have side effects. I believe that eating healthy ultimately did help in conception and having a healthy pregnancy.

We struggled seeing everyone around us get pregnant. I had trouble going to church because anytime there was a baptism I ended up in tears. I wasn’t truly happy for anyone else because it was something I wanted so badly. I was on prayer lists across several states. I felt like God had abandoned me. My husband didn’t know how to support me, although he tried. Each time my desire for a family outweighed all that we were going through, my faith would surface and I would remember that God has a plan for me. I knew that somehow, He would make me a mother. I felt that calling deep within my being. That kind of desire does not come merely from within, it is part of you.

When we finally came to the point where IVF was our last option, I struggled with it because it felt somewhat like we were playing God ourselves. We prayed about it- a lot! I finally came to peace and decided that God had given scientists the ability to perform this miracle. If this was meant to be He would allow it, if not then He would not. I also found peace about others having what I wanted so badly- A child.”


Antonia Sheel

Having a healthy lifestyle was one of the strategic keys the Lord gave me.

“Our journey to conception was a true faith walk and one that taught me so much about myself and about the Lord.  Prior to conceiving our beloved son, Judah, we had two early miscarriages.  This was naturally devastating and we couldn’t understand why this happened to us. After our second loss, I cried out to the Lord for wisdom and revelation on what was happening in my body and what I needed to do.  He answered and gave me very detailed instruction.  I meditated on scriptures day and night (some include Psalm 27:13, Psalm 113:9 and Psalm 107), read faith-based parenting books, and filled my ears with life giving messages. I also found key scriptures that spoke about me being a mother, and even spoke about my child. I wrote out a prayer for / about him and prayed over my child and body. Within three months I was pregnant with our super baby, whom we named Judah because the Lord truly filled our hearts and mouths with praise during the entire journey!


Having a healthy lifestyle was one of the strategic keys the Lord gave me. I thought I had a pretty healthy lifestyle – I worked out, ate “right” and had been consistent with that for a number of years and specifically the whole year prior.  But, I also learned to let food be part of “medicine” for complete healing.  I learned about eating the right foods to balance my hormones and I paid close attention to the kind of workouts I did and the supplements I took, including incorporating Chinese medicine into my protocol. That coupled with proper physical rest and finding ways to destress/ detox my body on a daily basis, played such a significant role in our conception.


Every time I hold my son, I realize that I am staring at a very real promise from the Lord. The manifestation of my faith – a truly good and perfect gift.  He is the picture of perfect health.  I attribute that all to the faith-filled preparation – both in the natural and spirit that the Lord revealed to me prior to conception and during my pregnancy.”




Conception and pregnancy is surely a faith filled walk and it will look different for each woman. The problem is that we want to be in control—we want what we want when we want it. And this is true for most things in our lives, but conception and pregnancy is one of those things where you learn who is really in control. After my first miscarriage, I learned a pivotal life lesson, that God is a healer, that He is sure to fulfill His promises –but in His perfect timing. See, God is not a genie in a bottle granting wishes. He is instead working things out for our good—we must trust in that. In her interview Antonia said,

The timing, the very season that Judah came was just perfect.

James1:4 says “Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be entire, wanting nothing.” Be patient. Believe and know that God can and will bless you with a child. Pray, read scriptures and build up your faith.

Also, make healthy lifestyles choices which have proven to help with conception. Moderate exercise can increase fertility, so find activities that are enjoyable to you like Zumba or swimming. Healthy eating is important as well both before, during and after conception. Healthy fats from foods like avocado and key nutrients from foods like green leafy vegetables and lean meats are the way to go improve egg health. Pumpkin is a great fertility booster, try adding it to pancake mix or in a smoothie.

Here are some final takeaways from the moms that I interviewed:

Antonia – Praise God for His miraculous work in your life! It is a done deal. Stay in expectation and take corresponding actions. He will do it for you! He is not a respecter of persons. Don’t take offense if others are pregnant around you. Rejoice with and for them! Your time is coming! {Antonia has a passion for women struggling with conception, reach out to her at www.antoniasheel.com

Kim – You are not alone! I know that you feel like you are but if you slowly open up, you will find someone in your circle that has experienced some level of infertility. Don’t close yourself off. Keep your faith during this journey and do not lose hope. Look for the blessings in your life.

Natalina – Even the impossible is possible, never give up hope or faith and believe that God is always with you and his plans are perfect

Michelle – Trust God. Don’t listen to everything the doctors say. They are limited to science. God is unlimited. He is our source. It is in His hands. If the doctors recommend a treatment pray about and talk to your spouse about it first.

It is our prayer that these stories have inspired you in some way. Each of these women went through loss or trial in conceiving, but despite the testing they overcame by faith. Today they are living out their faith as moms and walking out their faith with healthy habits.

Do you have a similar story? Share your stories. Post a comment below.

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Get It In Ghana https://faithandfitness.net/get-it-in-ghana/ https://faithandfitness.net/get-it-in-ghana/#respond Fri, 03 Feb 2017 21:51:34 +0000 http://lifestylemediagroup.com/drupal2wordpress/2017/02/03/get-it-in-ghana/ By Kwame Owusu Ansah PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Since it’s inception in 2003, Faith & Fitness Magazine has always been distributed free online. Many have encouraged me to restructure the way it is delivered, as a paid subscription. I’ve chosen not to take that route and I think the Mark Zuckerberg types would agree it makes a […]

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By Kwame Owusu Ansah

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Since it’s inception in 2003, Faith & Fitness Magazine has always been distributed free online. Many have encouraged me to restructure the way it is delivered, as a paid subscription. I’ve chosen not to take that route and I think the Mark Zuckerberg types would agree it makes a lot of sense to keep it free. This magazine is a Christian ministry that equips people throughout the world in ways we could never imagine. However, Kwame’s story from Ghana shows that God is at work bringing fitness ministry throughout the world for his good purpose.  I encourage you to get actively involved in the powerful ministry of Faith & Fitness Magazine. This isn’t just a ‘nice magazine’ it is a way you can be the life of Christ to people in your home town and throughout the world.

My name is Kwame Owusu Ansah, a Digital Marketing Consultant and Business Manager of Virdge Digital, a tech startup doing software and website development.  

I belong to the Christ Tower of Grace, a church with a vision to helping people grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. I am a drummer, cell leader and a passionate believer making God known in my area.

Staying fit and looking good have physically been the main reasons that got me into bodybuilding but later I came to the realization that everything I do must be done to glorify God.  That is now my driving purpose and every other benefit is just a blessing God bestows upon me.

I belong to the Capital O2 Fitness Center, a gym of about 50 registered members at Dansoman in Accra – Ghana.

In 2016, God gave me a greater awareness of the imbalance in the fitness industry. He showed me that even Christian believers, many of them, are more focused on developing their body rather than their spirit. Since life in the Spirit of God is what truly keeps us vibrantly alive he instructed me to teach people how to build their spiritual lives as much as they build their physical lives.

I went online searching for Christian bodybuilders and what they have to say about balancing spirit and bodybuilding. This led me to the article Living For Jesus Naturally in Faith & Fitness Magazine which is an interview with a bodybuilder I admire, Ron Williams.

Ron shares his life experiences and also speaks about spirituality and fitness. This is exactly what I was researching.  So, I decided to further navigate the Faith & Fitness Magazine website to read more articles. I realized the entire magazine is a utility which will be very resourceful to the new assignment the Lord has given me. Articles on fitness ministry, body worship and more have enlightened me on how important and serious our fitness is to God.

I know I have an assignment from God to do fitness ministry. Initially this ministry is a program called, Spirit and Body Building. The program helps Christians balance their spiritual and physical fitness lives. In 2017 I will be doing a series of videos on the subject of spirit and bodybuilding with different themes as well speaking to students, churches and general bodybuilders, write blogs and more on how we can connect with God by integrating both spiritual and body fitness.

I have already put together a team to do production. The videos are aired online and on TV. I believe God is assembling an end time militia that will be able to stand against every attack of the devil (both spiritually and physically). I’m thankful that God has personally given me a calling for my new fitness ministry.  I’m thankful for Faith & Fitness Magazine.


You can join Kwame and Faith & Fitness Magazine to make an even greater impact in Ghana. We want to equip their fledgling fitness ministry with a library of great books and resources.  Use the DONATE link to contribute to our ongoing Ghana Fitness Library Fund.  As you give, we’ll continue to supply them with the newest Christian fitness books and tools so they can grow their reach and strengthen their impact.  Do it now and make a difference today.


This article is featured in the February/March 2017 issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine. Read other internationally-based articles like The Versatile Man (CANADA), FitFish Fitness Retreats (UK), and Tough Training For A Tough Mission (North Korea). Do you have a faith and fitness story of international origin?  CONTACT US to tell us about it.


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Not Another Year of Resolutions https://faithandfitness.net/not-another-year-of-resolutions/ Wed, 28 Dec 2016 14:24:48 +0000 http://lifestylemediagroup.com/drupal2wordpress/2016/12/28/not-another-year-of-resolutions/ We're heading into a new year. How will you make it different? Your goal: make a permanent healthy lifestyle change.

The post Not Another Year of Resolutions appeared first on Faith & Fitness Magazine.

Well, in a few days we’re saying goodbye to this year and heading into a new year. This is the time where many of us make goals and resolutions and many of those goals include weight loss, better eating habits and overall health goals. Losing weight is often one of the top new years resolutions each year. The fact is, most people make goals and yet find that though they made some strides, they have either back tracked or not reached their goals at all by the end of the year. According to research from the University of Scranton, 45% of Americans make resolutions, yet only 8% actually reach those goals.

When it comes to weight loss I believe that we are aiming after the wrong thing; vanity. Looking good sounds good, but for some its not motivation enough to stay consistent in living a healthy lifestyle. See, its not about going on some diet, working out to see results and then going back to the same habits. That mindset will not yield a lasting change. Fitness has to be made a lifestyle, this means that you have to have a complete mind renewal in the area of nutrition and exercise. Eating healthy is no longer about dieting but about making healthier choices daily. Exercise is no longer about seeing results, its about making exercise a priority at least four times a week.

But this is not a surface issue at all, its much deeper. Every battle that we face is spiritual, so we overcome in the spirit. The mind renewal process previously mentioned begins with the word of God. What does God’s word say about our food intake (being greedy)? What does God’s word say about how we should treat our bodies? We are Christians; that’s not a title, that’s a way of life. Romans 1:17 says that the righteous live by faith. This means that our faith encompasses every aspect of our lives; our health, our finances, our marriages, our parenting–every avenue of our lives.

We are taught that our bodies are the temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:19) and that we should honor that temple (1 Corinthians 6:20). To honor something means that we esteem it; that we regard it with great respect. Thus, the food we eat and the way we treat our bodies should speak to the regard we have for it. The Bible also speaks on the issue of gluttony saying that one who operates in gluttony has an earthly mindset (Philippians 3:19), whereas our minds should be kingdom focused (Colossians 3:2).

Perhaps we would find that our goal should not be to lose 10 lbs. or to get back to some perfect weight, but our goal should be to make whatever we do, our eating, sleeping and movement be for the glory of God (Colossians 3:17). Otherwise, we simply find ourselves making the same goal year after year.

How will you make next year different? Here are some changes you can make today that will help you make a permanent healthy lifestyle change.

  • Pray and ask God to help you make healthy choices
  • Meditate on scriptures that encourage and motivate you to live healthier
  • Educate yourself on nutrition
  • Start a food diary to determine where you struggle most (make note of the mood are you in when you eat)
  • Drink plenty of water…a minimum of 8 glasses a day
  • Find a way to get moving at least four days a week (dancing, swimming, walking, boot camps, etc.)

Here are some quick nutrition tips:

  1. Opt for grains instead of white bread or pasta
  2. Eat 4 to 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day
  3. Choose lean, grilled or baked meats
  4. It’s worth repeating…drink water. Make it your first choice of beverage

Let’s make next year the year that we honor God with our bodies by making healthy choices and living in such a way that He is glorified in all that we do!

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Healthy Soul Food https://faithandfitness.net/healthy-soul-food/ https://faithandfitness.net/healthy-soul-food/#respond Mon, 17 Oct 2016 19:29:00 +0000 https://faithandfitness.net/healthy-soul-food Publisher’s Note: While re-visiting the Lord’s Gym in Cincinnati, Ohio to do an update to my Faith & Fitness Magazine story, Small Cincinnati Gym Is Big Inner City Ministry, I connected with Chef Anthony Jordan where he is a member. I’m always pleased to find a person that loves God and loves to make incredible […]

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Publisher’s Note: While re-visiting the Lord’s Gym in Cincinnati, Ohio to do an update to my Faith & Fitness Magazine story, Small Cincinnati Gym Is Big Inner City Ministry, I connected with Chef Anthony Jordan where he is a member. I’m always pleased to find a person that loves God and loves to make incredible food that brings out the nutritional value God intends.

Ethnic foods are some of the most flavorful. However, they can sometimes be especially unhealthy.  Soul food by most accounts is by it’s very nature and design “unhealthy”. You just can’t get the flavor and feel unless it’s loaded with fat, sugar, salt and more. At least this is what my African-American friends tell me.

So I set out some time ago in pursuit of healthy soul food. Try all three recipes and I think you’ll agree — Anthony Jordan, the Invito Personal Chef, delivers three Soul Food sensations you can confidently take to your church or gym or next family get-together.

As an African American male that grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio and being 2 generations removed from Alabama, eating soul food was more than just a necessity it was a ritual. Conversations around the table during the Holidays could cause a fight about who made the best Candied Yams, Crispy Juicy Fried Chicken or Savory Collard Greens.

African American family folklore says that some of the best soul food cooks are legends much greater than Hank Aaron or Jim Brown. What’s most important about Soul Food is the technique at which it is made. Lemons and secret spices put into my uncles homemade B.B.Q sauce that went on the pork ribs, my mother’s delicate Chess Pie or my grandmothers greens. As I reflect I realized that Soul Food is an intuitive style of cooking and that there was never any hand written recipes because the secrets lay in my ancestors 5 God-given senses.

Our nervous system has a specific sensory system or organ, dedicated to each sense. Sight (ophthalmoception), hearing (audioception), taste (gustaoception), smell (olfacoception or olfacception), and touch (tactioception) are the five traditionally recognized. Soul Food demands the full attention of each of the 5 senses.


Seeing the right texture, color and evolution of the food as its being prepared for consumption from start to finish. We eat with our eyes first. If it’s not visually appealing, we might not eat it.


The foods way of giving us feedback on if it’s being boiled, fried or baked to fast or slow. A fast rapid sound could mean that’s its being cooked to fast and no sound could mean that it’s being under cooked.


Activates all the 5 senses at the millisecond the food hits our tongue. Classic Soul Food has no recipes because you cannot measure or calculate intuition.


Lets me know if its fresh, spoiled and if the right ingredients were used. Smell releases happy endorphins to the brain.


Gives me a finished product to hold, savor and share. The finished product is my trophy.


Creative Vision. Listening to your inner chef. Tasting Mother Earth’s resources. Fragrance of Victory. Touch of Inspiration. That’s Soul Food.



Invito Personal Chef provides 5-star Lifestyle Specific Meal Plans that support the nutritional needs of clients. Invito Personal Chef provides high protein, low carb, raw, cleanse, vegan, vegetarian, paleo, and alkaline meals minus the synthetic pesticides, genetically modified organisms and artificial ingredients.

Invito Personal Chef works to improve the health of those served and to help to reduce the carbon footprint. Invito Personal Chef assesses and identifies the risks, needs and problems related to unhealthy eating and nutrition.  For more information go the the Invito Personal Chef website.



Chef Anthony Jordan has crafted three healthy Soul Food recipes: black-eyed peas with turkey necks and greens, chicken-fried with gravy, and one-bowl chocolate cake.  The complete recipes are on the following pages. Cook them for a home meal the first time.  Then cook them again for your church or gym.  They’re perfect for doing sweatworking and feeding everyone’s apetitite for fellowship.

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Walking with a Purpose https://faithandfitness.net/walking-with-a-purpose/ https://faithandfitness.net/walking-with-a-purpose/#respond Tue, 04 Oct 2016 19:55:07 +0000 https://faithandfitness.net/walking-with-a-purpose An interview with Terence Lester by Arian Moore, Enliven Department contributor Photos in this article are from Terence’ Instagram page. Privileged To BE POOR “Walk a mile in my shoes” is the invitation to understand others that Terence Lester has done literally — like 678 miles worth. His awareness campaign for the poor isn’t just […]

The post Walking with a Purpose appeared first on Faith & Fitness Magazine.

An interview with Terence Lester by Arian Moore, Enliven Department contributor

Photos in this article are from Terence’ Instagram page.

Privileged To BE POOR

“Walk a mile in my shoes” is the invitation to understand others that Terence Lester has done literally — like 678 miles worth. His awareness campaign for the poor isn’t just vigorous cardio exercise, it vigorously challenges us to get involved in the lives of others. It’s not about sharing a little bit of what you have, it is realizing what you can learn to have in common with the homeless, unemployed and struggling parents — the privilege to be poor.

I am sure that I’m not the only one who has had to take a break from social media and even some interactions due to the current divisiveness within our nation. I’ve been on a quest for all things inspiring and all things motivational. When I came across this story I was not only moved, but I was provoked to do more. Terence Lester, an Atlanta native, allowed his passion to end homelessness to push him into action. Over half a million people find themselves living on the street, in cars or in shelters each night. Terrence and his organization, Love Beyond Walls, provides grooming services, a free laundry program, and groceries to homeless men, women and youth in the city of Atlanta. Terence is currently on a 648 mile trek from Atlanta to Washington, D.C. to raise awareness about homelessness in America. He walks 13 to 15 miles a day sleeping on a bus or in donated hotels.

He’s chosen the name MAP16 for this awareness campaign which stands for “March Against Poverty in 2016.” “We chose MAP because a map is a symbolism for direction,” Lester said. “Not only do we hope to inspire onlookers to get involved, but to inspire people to create life-maps that will lead them out of poverty.” Here is a chat he and I shared about his goals and his journey as he makes his way through Charlottesville, VA.

Arian Moore: What sparked your passion for homelessness?

Terence Lester: Well, it’s twofold. Firstly, my faith plays a huge role in why I chose homelessness. When I think about how God rescued me from the poverty of my own soul it literally compels me to want to get involved with the things that concern God. When you look at scripture from Genesis to Revelation you’ll see that God has a heart for the poor. Therefore, I wanted to join God in where God’s heart is. Secondly, my personal story is sprinkled with homelessness when I was younger. Therefore, now that I have overcome many odds stacked against me I see it as both a passion and a purpose to lift others.

Arian Moore: How was Love Beyond Walls formed and what kind of work do you do?

Terence Lester: Love Beyond Walls was formed from a church plant in December 2013. I actually started the organization with my wife.  My first campaign involved me intentionally making myself homeless (with my family’s permission) to understand homelessness as an adult to advocate it.  After the first campaign we started mobilizing people from all over to serve the homeless and under-served families that wrestle with poverty. So far, we’ve moved 7000 people to serve over 30,000 people in Atlanta and abroad.

Arian Moore: How has faith influenced your desire to help others?

Terence Lester: It’s simple. I follow Jesus, and try my best to live like him. It’s not anything more than that. One of my favorite scriptures is Matthew 9:36-38

“But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

‭‭This verse pushes me to love the weary like Christ.

Arian Moore: Why are you walking 648 miles?

Terence Lester: Specifically, I’m walking to raise awareness about the millions of people who live in poverty in America. With this campaign, it is our intent to elevate stories over stats.
Each week, our organization resources people who wrestle with poverty, and many of those stories represented will go unheard.
Stories including:

  • Single moms who struggle to care for their children
  • Homeless people who did not ask to be homeless, or struggle to find help
  • Working class people that walk miles to secure resources to survive and live
  • Senior citizens that live on less than $100 per month.
  • Mothers that struggle to gain resources for their children
  • Persons who have been unemployed for months, and do not have any job leads
  • Persons who have severe health problems, but can’t afford adequate health coverage
  • Homeless people who struggles to find a place to shower from month to month
  • Families that have been evicted in the last month

Arian Moore: What sparked the idea for a walk to raise awareness?

Terence Lester: Every single week, people walk to our headquarters in College Park for various items to survive. Many walk to receive groceries because they are food insecure. Some walk for haircuts from our Mobile Makeover Bus. Some walk to wash their clothes because they need to save the few dollars and not spend it at the coin laundry. Some walk for clothing out of our closet to do interviews. Some walk to attend educational workshops that we host. Whatever reason, many people walk because they lack transportation and most times—hope.

Therefore, people that we encounter on a week-to-week basis inspired the idea. Their strength, courage, and tenacity has pushed me to identify with the suffering of the poor in the country. Also, I’m walking to share a message that to overcome poverty it takes many steps, and people can beat poverty by taking the right steps.

Arian Moore: Why walk instead of riding a bike or traveling in a car?

Terence Lester: I have chosen to walk because when you walk—you see more, and understand more. Additionally, walking has many symbolisms:

Walking symbolizes long-suffering. There are many people who wrestle with poverty and have been doing so for a long time. In fact, many people have had to display long-suffering in dealing with poverty. I have chosen to walk this distance to identify with those who suffer for long periods of time.

Walking symbolizes taking one step at a time. There are no quick fixes when it comes to poverty, however we can collectively provide solutions and make strides one-step at a time. Additionally, if someone is wrestling with poverty, we’d like this demonstration to symbolize that poverty can be overcome one step at a time.

Walking symbolizes the ordinary. Sometimes people think that we need to have magical powers before we make a difference in the lives of others and the world. That’s not true. We are making this trip to inspire individuals, small organizations, and groups of people to take a stand for something. Everyday ordinary people can make a difference.

Arian Moore: What type of physical training did you undergo before taking this journey?

Terence Lester: I trained five months walking tons of miles every single day and being coached by a personal trainer (Levon Thomas).

Arian Moore: Though this walk has purpose,  has it inspired you from a fitness perspective and if so how?

Terence Lester: It has inspired me to live healthy every single day of my life. I’m in the best shape of my life just from walking. I’m looking to see how many more gains I can achieve in my life as a result.

Arian Moore: Do you have a meal plan that you go by while walking to maximize endurance?  If so please share.

Terence Lester: I burn a lot of calories every day so I do not have a meal plan. I try to load up on good carbs and stay away from anything unhealthy.

Arian Moore: How can people support your walk?  Can people join in?

Terence Lester: People can support in three ways:

  1. Share the story by following our social media accounts (@lovebeyondwalls)
  2. Partner with us or volunteer
  3. Give to help us build a resource center for the poor

Terence is two weeks away from reaching D.C. Follow Love Beyond Walls on social media to get more information on how you can help or visit the website to view the route.

Read content related to this story topic in Faith & Fitness Magazine and Shout! Outdoor Lifestyle Magazine:

Are You Being Used?

The Climb Out Of Homelessness

Louisville Rescue Mission Promotes Healthy Lifestyles

An Adventure Worth Living For

Go to our Enliven Department for more multi-ethnic fitness articles.

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Double Dutch Aerobics https://faithandfitness.net/video/double-dutch-aerobics/ Tue, 02 Aug 2016 19:52:30 +0000 https://faithandfitness.net/video/double-dutch-aerobics This YouTube video produced by HLN presents the high intensity Double Dutch Aerobics of Sean and Michelle Clark.

The post Double Dutch Aerobics appeared first on Faith & Fitness Magazine.

Extremely bored with your workouts? It’s time to double the intensity and double the fun AND fellowship. This YouTube video produced by HLN presents the high intensity Double Dutch Aerobics of Sean and Michelle Clark from the Atlanta, Georgia area. If you’re married then step up to “couples-exercise” that will get you hopping. This video goes with the article A Healthy Marriage With Double Dutch As The Source.

The post Double Dutch Aerobics appeared first on Faith & Fitness Magazine.

A Healthy Marriage with Double Dutch as the Source https://faithandfitness.net/a-healthy-marriage-with-double-dutch-as-the-source/ https://faithandfitness.net/a-healthy-marriage-with-double-dutch-as-the-source/#respond Mon, 25 Jul 2016 22:34:13 +0000 https://faithandfitness.net/a-healthy-marriage-with-double-dutch-as-the-source An interview with Sean and Michelle Clark, by Arian Moore, Enliven Department Editor NOTE: Be sure to post your Facebook comments about this article below and social share it with others. Summer is mid-year and many find they are extremely bored with their workouts. Some who started out strong in January are now barely exercising […]

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An interview with Sean and Michelle Clark, by Arian Moore, Enliven Department Editor

NOTE: Be sure to post your Facebook comments about this article below and social share it with others.

Summer is mid-year and many find they are extremely bored with their workouts. Some who started out strong in January are now barely exercising once a week. Talk about a rut! One way to get back on track is to find a fitness pal. I was most motivated when my husband and I were working out together because he pushed me and it was also a way to spend time together.

Another way to spice up your workout is to try a new exercise. Play time was fun when we were kids. We loved kick ball, dodge ball, jump rope, skating and  riding our bikes. Perhaps rediscovering some of these activities might make fitness more enjoyable. Let's first discuss finding a workout partner.

There are so many benefits to working out with a partner. From accountability to motivation, working out with someone else helps many maintain their workouts. Partners are also able to motivate one another or even carry on friendly competitions.

A healthy marriage should be the goal for every married couple but often times we neglect the physical aspect. Our physical fitness affects our emotional health and endurance which are two elements that can greatly influence a marriage. Furthermore, incorporating healthy lifestyle habits into your life can reduce stress and result in a better life outlook, positively affecting your life and the marriage. Working out together as a couple provides a means  to spend quality time while enjoying the benefits of physical activity. Recently I interviewed a married couple that have figured out a way to make fitness together a way of life and a business. Sean and Michelle Clark are owners of Double Dutch Aerobics, offering double clutch classes.

Double Dutch is a game in which two long jump ropes turning in opposite directions are jumped by one or more players jumping simultaneously. -Wikipedia

These classes combine the child like joy of double dutch with aerobic exercises such as push-ups and mountain climbs. Sean is a Master Double Dutch Instructor and Michelle is a Double Dutch World Champion. Some (myself included) are intimidated by the thought of double dutch. In elementary school I was one of those kids that ever really got it but Sean and Michelle guarantee that between them and their team, they can teach anyone to double dutch in less than a minute. And don't doubt the fitness intensity of these workouts, participants can expect to burn anywhere from 500 to 700 calories per class. Here are details from my interview with Michelle:

Arian: What is your fitness story? 

Michelle: We were both into sports our entire lives. When we met and became a couple, I was teaching spin classes and Sean was playing on a Semi Pro football team. 

Arian: How did the idea of Double Dutch Aerobics come about? 

Michelle: I learned to jump Double Dutch at 4 years old (Street style). I joined a team called Jammin Jumpers in the 3rd grade (professional) and I learned all aspects of Double Dutch. My love didn't ever go away even as an adult. So the idea was always in me head, my husband saw that I could teach anyone in less than 1 min and told me I must start. We started a class the next week and the audience pushed us to continue. 

Arian: Has your faith in God played a part in your quest for fitness and helping others achieve a healthier lifestyle? 

Michelle: Yes, building a business from scratch has it challenges but through our conversations with God we know for sure that this is our mission to spread health and fitness along with love and joy.

Arian: How does working together as husband and wife benefit your relationship? 

Michelle: We love one another so the fact that we get to work together is just a bonus. Some of the biggest components to being married is love and accountability. We are team and having a healthy, loving relationship is so important to us. Working out together keeps us on the path to achieving our ultimate goal. We will not only be around for each other, but we want to see our kids grow, grandkids and who knows, maybe even our great grandkids. Working out and eating healthy together, is a constant reminder that we are doing all that we can, to love as long as we can on this earth together. 

Arian: What expertise do you each bring individually to the program? 

Michelle: I have jumped Double Dutch the majority of my life and I am a world champion. Sean is a visionary so besides becoming an expert in Double Dutch himself, his vision and business skill has brought us to new heights.  Beyond fitness we are also entrepreneurs running a full time business. Sean has owned businesses in the past so his expertise on the business aspect of Double Dutch Aerobics is phenomenal. Sean created  the  "In the Ropes tour"  he films and edits our videos. We now distribute " The Perfect Double Dutch Ropes " because of him and  we teach at prisons. He had a vision for that and made it happen. 

For more information on Double Dutch Aerobics you can follow them on social media @DoubleDutchAerobics or visit them online at DoubleDutchAerobics.com 



Discover how faith and fitness is vibrantly alive among many communities and strengthening diverse populations.  Read more articles in our Enliven Department.

Have a story you think needs to be shared in our Enliven Department? Contact Arian Moore, Editor.




Discover more fun and fellowship with rope in these Shout! Outdoor Lifestyle Magazine articles:

Frozen By Fear

It's Not The Summit, It's The Climb


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Soulful Recipes https://faithandfitness.net/soulful-recipes/ https://faithandfitness.net/soulful-recipes/#respond Fri, 01 Apr 2016 16:39:51 +0000 https://faithandfitness.net/soulful-recipes By Constance Brown-Riggs From the book ©The African American Guide To Living Well With Diabetes Braised Cabbage                                                                                           You’ll need:                                                                                                     ¼ cup blended Oil 1 small red onion sliced 1 small granny smith apple (cored and sliced) ¼ cup brown sugar 1 pound red cabbage 1 ounce red wine vinegar                                                                               1 cup red wine […]

The post Soulful Recipes appeared first on Faith & Fitness Magazine.

By Constance Brown-Riggs

From the book ©The African American Guide To Living Well With Diabetes

Braised Cabbage                                                                                          

You’ll need:                                                                                                    

  • ¼ cup blended Oil
  • 1 small red onion sliced
  • 1 small granny smith apple (cored and sliced)
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • 1 pound red cabbage
  • 1 ounce red wine vinegar                                                                              
  • 1 cup red wine
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1 stick cinnamon

Here’s what you do:

  1. Heat oil in pan on stove top, add red onion and sweat till translucent, add brown sugar till
  2. caramelized, then add apples and deglaze with vinegar.Bring to a boil then add red wine, orange juice and cinnamon stick. Let simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Add cabbage to mixture and let cook on the stove top for 10 minutes.
  4. Then cover with foil and place in 350* oven for 20 minutes till tender and remove, adjust seasoning and serve.

Makes 8 servings     

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From Extreme Weight Loss to an Extraordinary Testimony https://faithandfitness.net/from-extreme-weight-loss-to-an-extraordinary-testimony/ https://faithandfitness.net/from-extreme-weight-loss-to-an-extraordinary-testimony/#respond Sun, 20 Sep 2015 19:09:57 +0000 https://faithandfitness.net/from-extreme-weight-loss-to-an-extraordinary-testimony By Arian Moore and Mitzi White The rates of obesity in the African American community continue to rise despite the low-fat craze and other changes made to food options. Mitzi White, was a featured speaker at the inaugural 2015 Faith & Fitness Magazine Redefined Conference in New Orleans. Her story provides a beautiful personal testimony of how […]

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Mitzi White Extreme Weight LossBy Arian Moore and Mitzi White

The rates of obesity in the African American community continue to rise despite the low-fat craze and other changes made to food options. Mitzi White, was a featured speaker at the inaugural 2015 Faith & Fitness Magazine Redefined Conference in New Orleans. Her story provides a beautiful personal testimony of how she made a life change through the strength she found in Jesus Christ.

One of the major issues is access to food and the ability for people of all socio-economic backgrounds to have the option of fresh, healthy food. There is also the issue of fast foods being more available than healthy foods. Lucan et. al (2010) explains that “African Americans tend to have diets that promote obesity, morbidity, and premature mortality, are low in fruits and vegetables, and are high in processed and fast foods” (para 2). The article further explains that the convenience of fast foods serves as a barrier to the consumption of vegetable and fruits. In a recent interview with Mitzi White, participant of Season 5’s Extreme Weight Loss, we spoke about this issue of affordability and access.

“Food deserts…sadly in most lower income areas there are more fast foods and corner conveniences stores than there are grocery stores” Mitzi said. “However there are also typically nearby shopping plazas that have a Family Dollar, General Dollar, and Dollar Tree if there aren’t nearby grocery stores.  People may overlook them, but you can often find frozen vegetables and fruits, canned goods and in some of the stores, dairy products, frozen fish/meat and sometimes fresh vegetables and fruits as well.  Farmers markets are also an inexpensive way to include fresh fruits and vegetables at minimal cost and I also recommend investing in a Costco or Sam’s club card with a friend(s) or family and buying in bulk; which will save money by sharing the expense, food and possibly “a ride” should transportation be an issue!”

Mitzi, lost 114 pounds and describes her weight loss journey saying, “I’ve made several attempts over the years to release weight, through diet programs, diet fads, exercise, personal trainers, gyms, you name it, I’ve probably tried practically everything or at least contemplated it and in some cases was successful, but the results were short lived.  My latest attempt was “God ordained and direct” and finally the attempt that has garnered the greatest life changing success for a total mind, body, spirit transformation!

Extreme Weight Loss was one of many vessels/resources that God utilized to aid in my weight release, healing and literally saved my life.”

Mitzi explains that her Christian faith plays a major part in living a  healthy lifestyle. “While I didn’t think before that my “weight” was a major deal to God I totally understand now and see through scripture that he speaks directly and intentionally to our eating habits and our temples,” Mitzi explains.  Before last year I never equated “Faith and Fitness”, but they truly go hand and hand!”

Her motivational scriptures include:

Isaiah 55: 1-2  Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink-even if you have no money! Take your choice of wine or milk-it’s all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen and I will tell you where to get food that is good for the soul!

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

1 Corinthians 9:27 “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest when I have preached to others I myself should become disqualified.”

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

She and I even discussed the fact that exercise for some may seem expensive. Most people equate working out with having a gym membership, but there are affordable and even no cost avenues of exercise. “Dollar stores and retail stores such as Target and Ross carry exercise equipment such as resistance bands, exercise mats, hand weights, exercise balls as low as $1.00 – $10.00 depending on the level of quality,” Mitzi says. “Some items can be purchased in sets for even greater savings and don’t forget to check out Ebay too. I’m big fan of using stairs in office buildings, parks, church parking lots, space in a small bedroom or living room area of my house when a gym is unavailable.  My favorite is the great outdoors!  It’s FREE, the  options are endless and God is present at every turn!”

Living healthy is simply about making a choice to do something different. Maybe you can’t buy all organic but you can clean your fruits and veggies with water and vinegar. Maybe you can’t get to a gym facility, but you can start walking everyday, even if its for ten minutes. Mitzi made a choice and that choice has caused her to be free from diabetes medication. Diabetes runs rampant in the African American community yet for many, with exercise and dietary changes, diabetes can be controlled and for some eradicated. “After 2 months at bootcamp (Extreme Weight Loss) I was no longer diabetic, my high blood pressure and cholesterol were in normal range, I was no longer experiencing gout or acid reflux and the psoriasis on my legs were healing and clearing,” Mitzi said. 

Mitzi will speak more about her journey at the Redefined: Faith and Fitness Conference but the issues we discussed are so important. No access should not be a hindrance to healthy living. Church communities can help by creating gardens in their green spaces. This allows the church to meet a need in their communities by offering fresh, affordable food. Another option is to have fresh food provided in food pantries.

The idea is that we become more aware of what we are eating and use food to fuel us rather than to satisfy our emotional inadequacies. “I am consciously aware of what I eat now for fuel or pleasure!”, Mitzi said. ” I’m big label reader at the store, on my phone app and I even look up nutrition facts for restaurants before going out so I have an idea of best options verses just going with what sounds good to my tummy in the moment! 

I’m far from perfect and I still eat some of my favorites such as pizza, but not every day! 

Prior to my journey I was like many people that thought that if I didn’t’ eat much then surely I’ll lose weight!  I was the type of person who never ate breakfast, rarely ate lunch or even moved from my desk at work and didn’t snack throughout the day, BUT I would be famished at the end of the day and would eat late, eat heavy (typically restaurant or fast/convenient foods) and then go straight to bed and start over again with the same the next day!  Now I understand that your body needs fuel frequently to keep the metabolism roaring and I truly understand the difference between “feeding hunger pangs” verses “feeding emotions”!” (Click here for Mitzi’s favorite recipe).

Mitzi gives this advice to others struggling with weight:

  • Be # 1!  Make YOU a priority!  “put your own oxygen mask on first before attempting to assist others”…you can’t fully help or serve others if you yourself are struggling to breathe.
  • Transparency and vulnerability are key!  Don’t allow your “fear” of judgment to hold you back from asking for help!  People genuinely want to help, so don’t let fear, excuses or YOU stop YOU!  
  • Rewind, Pause, Play…it’s important to look at where you have been and come from and anything that may have occurred in your past that you may be holding on to and allowing to weigh you down. Release and forgive those situations, people and yourself.  Be present in the moment of where you are, however keep moving FORWARD to reach the goals you desire for living YOUR BEST life!  Letting go, Letting GOD, Forgiving and Surrendering are the keys to Transformation!
  • Integrity is paramount…making promises and keeping them to yourself is a MUST
  • “Falling isn’t failing”…along the way of your journey there are going to be some stumbles, falls and challenges, but what’s most important is that you “get up”, don’t allow yourself to stay down!  
  • Surround yourself with people who are like minded and have your best interest in mind and that will help pick you up and support you even when you don’t think you can…you can and will, so KEEP MOVING FORWARD!  You are worth it!
  • It’s NEVER too late…as long as you have breath in your body you can “choose” LIFE! Make a change to reclaim yours!

Discussion Questions:

1. What can I do in my local community to help those that may not have access to healthy food?

2. What opportunities are their at my church for programs that address these issues?

3. How can I commit to making health a priority?

4. How can I reclaim my health?

It’s your turn.

Share your story now!



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