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Get It In Ghana

By Kwame Owusu Ansah

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Since it’s inception in 2003, Faith & Fitness Magazine has always been distributed free online. Many have encouraged me to restructure the way it is delivered, as a paid subscription. I’ve chosen not to take that route and I think the Mark Zuckerberg types would agree it makes a lot of sense to keep it free. This magazine is a Christian ministry that equips people throughout the world in ways we could never imagine. However, Kwame’s story from Ghana shows that God is at work bringing fitness ministry throughout the world for his good purpose.  I encourage you to get actively involved in the powerful ministry of Faith & Fitness Magazine. This isn’t just a ‘nice magazine’ it is a way you can be the life of Christ to people in your home town and throughout the world.

My name is Kwame Owusu Ansah, a Digital Marketing Consultant and Business Manager of Virdge Digital, a tech startup doing software and website development.  

I belong to the Christ Tower of Grace, a church with a vision to helping people grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. I am a drummer, cell leader and a passionate believer making God known in my area.

Staying fit and looking good have physically been the main reasons that got me into bodybuilding but later I came to the realization that everything I do must be done to glorify God.  That is now my driving purpose and every other benefit is just a blessing God bestows upon me.

I belong to the Capital O2 Fitness Center, a gym of about 50 registered members at Dansoman in Accra – Ghana.

In 2016, God gave me a greater awareness of the imbalance in the fitness industry. He showed me that even Christian believers, many of them, are more focused on developing their body rather than their spirit. Since life in the Spirit of God is what truly keeps us vibrantly alive he instructed me to teach people how to build their spiritual lives as much as they build their physical lives.

I went online searching for Christian bodybuilders and what they have to say about balancing spirit and bodybuilding. This led me to the article Living For Jesus Naturally in Faith & Fitness Magazine which is an interview with a bodybuilder I admire, Ron Williams.

Ron shares his life experiences and also speaks about spirituality and fitness. This is exactly what I was researching.  So, I decided to further navigate the Faith & Fitness Magazine website to read more articles. I realized the entire magazine is a utility which will be very resourceful to the new assignment the Lord has given me. Articles on fitness ministry, body worship and more have enlightened me on how important and serious our fitness is to God.

I know I have an assignment from God to do fitness ministry. Initially this ministry is a program called, Spirit and Body Building. The program helps Christians balance their spiritual and physical fitness lives. In 2017 I will be doing a series of videos on the subject of spirit and bodybuilding with different themes as well speaking to students, churches and general bodybuilders, write blogs and more on how we can connect with God by integrating both spiritual and body fitness.

I have already put together a team to do production. The videos are aired online and on TV. I believe God is assembling an end time militia that will be able to stand against every attack of the devil (both spiritually and physically). I’m thankful that God has personally given me a calling for my new fitness ministry.  I’m thankful for Faith & Fitness Magazine.


You can join Kwame and Faith & Fitness Magazine to make an even greater impact in Ghana. We want to equip their fledgling fitness ministry with a library of great books and resources.  Use the DONATE link to contribute to our ongoing Ghana Fitness Library Fund.  As you give, we’ll continue to supply them with the newest Christian fitness books and tools so they can grow their reach and strengthen their impact.  Do it now and make a difference today.


This article is featured in the February/March 2017 issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine. Read other internationally-based articles like The Versatile Man (CANADA), FitFish Fitness Retreats (UK), and Tough Training For A Tough Mission (North Korea). Do you have a faith and fitness story of international origin?  CONTACT US to tell us about it.



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Further Reading

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