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Put The Word In Your Workout

By Tracy Mitchell

I Timothy 4:8 says “Bodily exercise profits little but godliness is profitable unto all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” This is where the scripture is telling us to put the Word* in the workout. Matthew 6:33 bears witness to it saying “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” These two scriptures hold the revelation that God wants us to speak His word over ourselves during our work-outs, our fitness routines and even leisure walks. That means the spiritual realm rules over the physical realm.

* The 'Word' is often used as another word for the Bible and reflects that the Bible is the written Word of God.

Instead of putting all of your energy into your flesh, add God's Word and maximize your results. Since God watches over His Word ready to perform it, speak the Word. Think about it, instead of wasting words saying things like, Ouch! Oh my goodness! Ugh! This is killing me! Speak life over yourself. Life and death are in the power of the tongue and we have what we say if we believe what we say is true.

This is something that I impart into my training sessions. With obesity being so rampant both in Atlanta and in the African American community, it is not only important but it is God’s will that we take control over our health. Using the Word of God encourages us and inspires us to make healthy living a lifestyle.

Another empowering scripture to speak over yourself is, "The joy of the Lord is my strength". That scripture always reminds me to have fun with my workouts. That’s right exercise can be fun. Don’t think about it just do it. Ladies, do you like dancing? Then dance. Did you know that African American women tend to be the unhealthiest in our nation?

When God revealed to me to put His Word in the workout, I knew exactly what He meant and required of me. It was exciting, overwhelming and humbling because at that moment, I received the call on my life and my assignment in the Body of Christ and the Kingdom of God. It was a simple yet overlooked revelation concerning our health. If God tells us that above all He wants us to prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers, health is obviously important to Him.

We serve a merciful, loving God who is here, ready to help us accomplish prosperous health through His grace. Instead of counting to ten during sets, speak the Word. You can say, “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me”.  It is a perfect ten count and you’re actually ushering in the presence of God through His Word. We need all the help we can get from God, especially during exercise. The good news is it’s not by our power, or might but by God’s Holy Spirit.

You can say something as simple as, "Lord help!". God is a very present help in the time of need and we definitely need him during workouts. You can even encourage yourself and remind yourself that "Faith without works is dead." With God as your audience, performing your confessions, you will experience change that has staying power.  Put God's Word in your work-out and transform your life.


Tracy offers several ways you can easily introduce the Word into your workouts and develop a consistent routine.  Start today by posting a Facebook comment below of how you plan to incorporate the Bible into your fitness lifestyle. Then return to this article soon and update with an additional Facebook comment.

Connect with Tracy at Fitness By Force.

More multi-ethnic content is available in the Enliven Department of Faith & Fitness Magazine.



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Further Reading

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