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4 Ways To Dive Deep Into God’s Grace This Season

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By Kimberly Bloom, Character Strength Department Editor

Cliff divers just step up to the edge and with precise gracefulness dive forward. I want to help you desire God in such a way that you can dive into His grace with that same energy and confidence. Why? Because that’s what God desires for you!

There seems to be no fear in their lean bodies as they take long deep breathes and then with bold strength jump into the sea. These divers arch their bodies and lunge with confidence. Years ago, while on a mission trip, I had the opportunity to witness cliff divers at La Quebrada on the Pacific coast of Acapulco, Mexico. It was both terrifying yet mesmerizing to watch. Diving into the depths of God’s grace is just like that – a frightful yet simultaneously thrilling rush of strong emotions.

[Watch this short video then continue reading to explore both the fear and freedom of the dive into God’s grace.]

In this season of your life visualize the grace of God as the deep blue ocean. What lies below is unknown yet the plunge is invigorating and refreshing. Though it may be an unfamiliar environment, adapt to it and enjoy being surrounded by a different atmosphere. Don’t fight. Instead let it move you and learn to move with it. Here are four ways all of us can grow stronger and have a deeper understanding of the power of grace:

  1. God generously lavishes care on YOU.
  2. Conquer fear.
  3. Leap from the familiar.
  4. Gain a bigger view.


You’ve seen it. Many people practice self-care by being utterly selfish. But, the self-care of resting in faith is different. Understand that a big part of self-care is providing yourself the same grace that God asks you to extend to others. It is important to remember that being well and fit in your own body, mind, and spirit is more fully experienced when you rest first and foremost in God’s grace.

[Read thin places and the rest of your story for more on resting in God.]

Life sometimes is disturbing, disruptive, and at times dangerous. Each area of your life is intertwined and twisted together; you struggle to fulfill your obligations. During these times I find grace meets me when I simply say, “This is the day the Lord has made”. I release my fears, my ambitions, and the desires of my heart and allow God’s grace for the day to encompass me.

We have to give ourselves grace and remember it’s okay to take a nap. It’s okay, if you didn’t check everything off your list. Most importantly it’s okay that you are not in control. “When darkness seems to hide His face; I rest on His unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.” (Edward Mote 1834)

One hot summer day years ago as a camp councilor, I was cleaning after a youth camp program had ended; I was assigned to cleaning the camp dorms. The dorms were not air-conditioned, the windows were all opened, and the bunk beds were bare. I decided to take a moment and rest on one of the beds. As the hot air rushed over me, it sent me into one of those drowsy naps from which you just don’t want to wake. I was resting both physically and spiritually.

For more content on self-care and self-stewardship go to the Spa & Fitness Retreat department of Faith & Fitness Magazine.

It had been a challenging, exhausting and rewarding week. The large group of kids faced obstacles in their lives. We helped them dive into God’s grace and discover resiliency, fortitude and a lasting faith in Jesus Christ. I indeed needed the rest, but more importantly I was resting – in God’s presence. I actively choose to rest and receive the comfort, recovery and freedom in the words of God we had been sharing all week. I had been extending God’s grace to others and in that moment it was time to receive God’s grace to me!

I know from experience my need to be in control, makes it extremely difficult to rest in the fact that there are things that I cannot figure out, fix, or forgive on my own. This can be true for anyone. However, we have been provided with one of God’s most amazing tools. It is diversified and is designed to handle any situation. It is GRACE. To ask for it, accept it and give it out we must press pause (like the diver does just before the jump). This is God’s way to help us practice self-care.

God gives us a better approach to self-care. It is a deeper approach to dive into God’s grace – self-stewardship. Like the diver falling forward, it is how we press in to what God calls us to do.


Acknowledge and conquer your personal fears of extending grace. Whether it’s the fear of allowing others to get close, fear of rejection, or fear that your faith will not be understood. If you or someone you know has been wronged grace calls you to release the anger. Extending grace can be a fearful plunge into the unknown. Receiving grace personally is like the jubilant moment when the diver emerges from the depths for an even deeper breath of air.

I am not always prepared, but God, He is always prepared and ready to help me reach out and thoughtfully touch someone close. I often become overwhelmed with change, have my own fears, and question my ability to serve Christ. I am a natural introvert and comfortable in sitting alone in public places, observing the sights, and sounds that surround me.

Read Jonnie Goodmanson’s blog, which offers a “fasting” perspective on fear.

We may not want to admit that we’re “afraid of heights” but that is the place where God takes us and we must follow to confront our fears. This is the hard stuff. When you and I don’t feel like extending grace, that is exactly the time Christ asks us to be obedient. Even in the midst of trials and sufferings. We may prefer to be left alone, feel as if we’re not capable, or are afraid that we will bring attention to our faith. However, this is the time we are to remember who we are; a warrior of Christ – a reflection of His strong character.

Standing on a solid perch and clinging to the safety of the rock is affirming. But you won’t find Christ there for long. Pray that life gets dirty and uncomfortable. Being really human, as God intends, means to be selfless, obedient and to empty yourself of your fear. Like children we’ve got to understand and embrace risk.

children climbing on a playground net

The unknown can be scary. Often we may experience surface feelings of hurt and bewilderment brought on by the negative actions of others. We may want to tuck our heads and heart into our inner shell like a turtle, so that others only see our hard, bad and uncaring self. But, is this the action of grace? No, grace is long suffering. It can provide life changing results and open doors of renewal.

The “hard part” may simply be acknowledging you have strong feelings against someone. Take the time to see the situation, opinion, or action from the other person’s perspective and experience. Then take time to pray. The deeper grace of God has a wonderful way of drawing back the curtains to give you a fuller view. Help others you don’t understand or don’t even know. By extending grace in that way, God takes you into new experiences beyond your norm.


Why should you jump? What will you gain by diving and subjecting yourself to a force that will pull you fast from where you are? There is something far greater than the adventure, the thrill, the glory and even the faithfulness. In fact the more you dive deep into God’s grace the more you’ll realize it’s not about you at all. By taking a leap off your stable “cliff side” you help others. When you jump into grace you increase your ability to be others oriented – and that means you impact the lives of others.

Falling forward means I deliberately descend so that I may ascend to another level or dimension. I’m willing to risk looking like a fool or even getting harmed to achieve my dreams and fulfill my destiny and purpose.

– Marla J. Henry, Moments with Marla, Westbow Press

I was once given a gift at work that I looked forward to taking home and sharing with my family. Yet, later in the day, that strong inner voice of God called me to give it to someone that I only occasionally saw each evening when I left work. On this particular night, as the close of my workday approached, I began arguing with God about the purpose of this request. All the way out the door and nearly to my car I questioned God! The urging was so strong I stopped, turned around, went back into the building, found the young man that was still working, handed him my prized possession and simply said “I thought you might like this. Have a good night.”

Once back outside, and basically with my most childish inner voice, I asked God “what was the importance of that?” God simply replied back, “obedience is better than sacrifice”. This scene, ordeal, or whatever you want to call it was really not about me extending grace to someone else, but God extending grace to me! God was teaching me a lesson! Letting go is a graceful act of obedience. I Samuel 15:22 “ Then Samuel said: Does the Lord take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? Look: to obey is better than sacrifice; to pay attention is better than the fat of rams.”

God graciously helped me release from something good to fall into something greater. The gift to someone else isn’t the thing you think you give. It is the future work of God’s grace in their life that is now more freely and abundantly released through the fulfillment of your obedience to God. Take a long deep breath and get a good look at the lean spiritual physique of the graceful diver you are becoming.


Finally, these first three principles lead us to the last and most truly amazing concept; God desires for us to have a broader view of grace, His view. When that happens we gain a greater strength of character.

Just like the cliff divers up high can see calm or crushing waves, empty faces, or cheering friends, the unknown and the ultimate win, God’s grace is sufficient. But what does that mean?

Is that grace what ultimately helps us to do the perfect dive – to be perfect at what we do, what we want to do, what we’re called to do?

[Listen to this song as you finish reading.]

God tells all of us, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Yet, we find it tough to embrace weakness as strength. It runs counter to everything our culture teaches us – be brave, achieve your own success, focus intently, have no fear, and never be satisfied. The limits that we think hold us down are what God uses to lift us and others.

How do you gain a bigger view of grace? Start by praising God and listing relationships and deep internal/external gifts that you are grateful for. Remind yourself of that time when saving grace was bestowed on you. In your praise, recall redemption, have the confidence that just as Christ redeemed you, He calls you to move His grace forward in the lives of those around you and in your areas of influence. Moreover, know that His grace can also call you to the unknown – that space between the cliff above and the water below.

The only difference between imperfect and I’m perfect is the space in between us.

-Perfect, by Elizabeth Grace

With His grace your faith can become an action word. You can experience the full view of grace not only in your life, but in the lives of others.

I still have contact with the woman who as a teenager reached out to me and extended grace to me. As a fellow teenager, I was lost, feeling alone, and without purpose. Now as adults, as we reminisce of the day that she and her little church prayed three years for me, my heart and soul still can barely take in the grace that was bestowed upon me. This grace, this God given grace is what changes lives.

Dive deep into God’s grace. Quit feeling like you have to be so strong and instead let Him generously lavishes care on you. Then with His strength you can conquer your fears so that you can leap from the familiar into God’s unknown. As you experience the depth of God’s grace you’ll gain a bigger view.

Remember, Grace is an action that is personal, intimate, and sometimes big or small, but it is always God’s gift to all. More beautifully, God chooses us to extend grace during our most filthy and blemished filled times.


  1. What makes self-care and self-stewardship an important first step for you in diving deeper into God’s grace? In what ways do you often miss experiencing the grace of God because you feel you aren’t worthy, don’t have the time or some other reason?
  2. How has fear kept you from experiencing God’s grace or extending it to someone? Look more closely and discuss a significant journey through fear that God has helped you to conquer OR one that is still a struggle for you.
  3. Visualize yourself perched on the cliff in Acapulco looking at the water below. Play out the “leap of faith” in your mind. Describe it from the jump, through the fall and all the way plunged under the water and then returning to the surface. How do those visuals relate to a deeper dive into God’s grace? Describe the beauty of leaving the familiar and being thrilled by profound grace. What character traits of God does this build in you?
  4. What does it mean to you to gain a bigger view of God’s grace? With whom do you need to venture further with God’s grace? How can you do that? Now that you’ve read this article and discussed it, what is one revelation you have about God’s grace that is different from what you originally envisioned?

This article appears in the April/May 2020 issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine.


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