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Trinity Fitness Adaptive Training

By Jason Palmisano, Founder, Trinity Fitness

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: As I continue to work alongside many Christian fitness businesses and ministries, it’s always exciting to see how God is leading them and expanding their opportunity to serve. Such growth is happening at Trinity Fitness facilities around the nation where they are developing, introducing and growing Trinity Fitness Adaptive Training.

Most communities have people with special and significant physical challenges and needs. All of us face mental challenges, some more sever than others. I like what Trinity Fitness is doing. There’s no separation or wall between those who are able and those who are not. When we come together we all support each other, learn from each other and pray for each other. It’s how fitness should be, because it’s how we all adapt to the more abundant life that God has for all of us.

Challenges! It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when you’ll run into them. No one is immune. They come at various times in varying ways and varying degrees of difficulty. Everyone handles challenges differently. How do you handle challenges? Do you think: “I can’t” or do you think: “How can I”? I believe your decision is dictated by your mindset…in other words, how fit your mind is.

Years ago, when I was running marathons, a mentor of mine used to say, “Jason, your body can take a lot more than your mind gives it credit for.” I tested myself a lot and what was true for my running is true for my overall life. My greatest limiting factor to overcoming challenges and reaching my goals has often been my own thoughts; my mind. So, this article begs the question, “How Fit Is Your Mind?”

Mark Divine, former Navy Seal and author of Seal Fit and Unbeatable Mind says, “You are capable of so much more than you think you are, but you have been kept in the dark about this potential your entire life.” Divine calls this potential “your 20X Factor”. He feels that we are capable of at least twenty times what our current paradigm allows us to believe. Think about that for a moment. Do you agree?

Toughness of mind has been highlighted for me personally as 2019 came to a close. Trinity Fitness is launching a multi-gym initiative in the realm of adaptive training. We are making space and accommodations for those military and civilians with various impairments. We want to include these adaptive warriors in high intensity group fitness training along with able-bodied participants, ie. what Trinity Fitness calls Warriors.

Adaptive Training 2 from Trinity Fitness HQ on Vimeo.


We have found in large part that Adaptive Warriors have an “I Can” mindset. For example, there is Army veteran, Staff Sergeant (SSG) Travis Strong. In 2006 SSG Strong’s unit was deployed to Baghdad, Iraq and on November 27, 2006, his armored vehicle was hit by an E.F.P. Though SSG Travis Strong survived, the blast took both of his legs. Now a double amputee, Travis was left trying to put his life back together.

In 2019, Travis crossed paths with Eric Barber of The Stone Foundation based in Colorado Springs, CO. Eric trained Travis in high intensity, functional fitness for almost a year. During that time they started climbing what’s known as the incline; an almost 1 mile hike that feels like you are climbing straight up! When Travis conquered the incline Eric challenged him by saying, “We need bigger goals. What excites you?”

Travis replied, “Hiking Pike’s Peak.” Eric’s mind was spinning as it takes all of 6-8 hours for a strong able-bodied person to summit Pike’s Peak. How can a person with no legs make that climb? Well, how fit is your mind? “I can’t,” are words that immediately shut down any creative thoughts and possibilities, but asking the question, “How can I?” opens the mind up to a realm of creative thoughts and possibilities.

And so, Eric and Travis gathered volunteers, tents, food, water and other supplies. It took SSG Travis Strong 3 days to make the summit, but he did it! He climbed Pike’s Peak with no legs.

Then there’s Sarah Evans, an Air Force veteran. Sarah was out for a routine run when she felt pain in her left hip. A softball sized mass was discovered and the diagnosis…stage 3 osteosarcoma (bone cancer). Sarah lost both her left hip and leg. Not letting anything hold her back or keep her down, Sarah got married and now has two young boys. Sarah frequently works out at Trinity Fitness Suntree as an Adaptive Warrior where she willingly accepts any challenge thrown her way.


Can anybody have a mindset like Travis and Sarah? I believe so. Here are four steps to take your mind from “I Can’t” to “How Can I”:

  • 1. Begin to recognize when negative or limiting thoughts enter your mind. This can be accomplished by creating self-awareness of your thoughts. Reading articles like this and similar ones helps you be more mindful of what you are thinking and the things you are saying. Become a student of what you are thinking.
  • 2. Once the negative thought is recognized you can replace it with a thought that is fit, healthy and helpful. For example, “I’ll never be able to run a 5K” becomes, “I believe all things are possible for me. Who or what can I reach out to for help?”
  • 3. Roll with It. Put action to that positive thought and take one small step after another until momentum builds in your favor.
  • 4. Gain the first victory and keep the cycle going.

I’ll ask you now, how fit is your mind? Are you ready and willing to train it so you can conquer challenges? Remember, “I can’t” immediately cuts off any creative thinking and puts up a barrier. Don’t let this happen! There is no limit to what a “fit” mind can accomplish. Start your new approach to a fit mind today and meet challenges head on.


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Further Reading

Are you struggling with something right now? Where is your hope? Shift your perspective and with God you can go through anything....

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