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By Brent Hardy 

Deadlifting is one of the best exercises anyone can do. Plus, how awesome is it to see people lift heavy weights off the ground and using their brute strength. A few years ago, I hurt my back due to poor form and arrogance for attempting a heavier weight. I couldn’t move around for three days and I was in the worst pain ever. I quickly realized that I needed to adjust my form by getting my feet, hips, and lats in proper alignment, so my back can just stabilize instead of doing the primary moving.

How can you be a Great Deadlifter?

Deadlifting is a crucial functional exercise every human should be able to do. No matter what you do in life there will be some form of picking an object off the ground (read below on quick tips and exercises on deadlifts). Unfortunately, most people complain about their backs but that’s because we use our back as our primary mover instead of our hips. Our low backs are meant to stabilize not be the primary mover. The same applies to faith in God. We try to do all the work when God should be the primary mover. Prior to asking God to move in others lives we need to know He is the ultimate dead lifter.

The Resurrection is God Deadlifting

Easter is approaching and we all know it is about the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. God rose Jesus from the dead after fulfilling the just requirement of His life and being the ultimate sacrifice for every one’s sins on the earth. The resurrection of Jesus is the very foundation of faith in God. Even Jesus himself spoke about His death and ascension.  

Without the resurrection of the dead then there will be no hope in salvation and it would all just be a bunch of mere talk. The resurrection shows that God dead lifts everyone toward salvation and eternal life. Our Father in Heaven is the strongest deadlifter that there will ever be. He desires you to dead lift others with the use of proper form.

Physical Deadlifting → Spiritual Deadlifting

Similar to the moment when we declared Jesus as Lord in our personal lives. We need to pray and believe God for other people to declare Him in their own lives. The same grace that extends to you is also accessible to everyone no matter who or what they have done. Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. We should intercede on others behalf and ask the Lord to save those who do not know Him. Even though I am faith driver I can still focus on my own circumstances in life and forget others. I am reminded how sinful I was off prior to my salvation in Jesus.

How can we become great spiritual dead lifters? By being hopeful and prayerful for people to turn for their salvation in Christ. When we desire salvation for others it takes the lenses off of us and looks to others. Salvation is not about what we do, but about what Jesus did for everyone. Our steps are simple. First, learn how to properly deadlift by being a primary stabilizer,which is having faith in God. Second, pray for others salvation because salvation is for everyone. ‬‬‬‬

The very same spirit that rose Jesus from the dead resides in you and we are to share that Good News to others. This Easter prepare yourself and pray for salvation’s in your local community. We can lift other people through faith in God and steadfast prayer. Ask God to personally save people and list them by name. Believe what you are saying and that your prayers are being heard by the Almighty one. Tell them the hope you know so well.

Salvation comes through by open declaration of Jesus resurrection and declaring Him Lord. Now, people have to make this decision themselves. We can not force it, but praying for people to have a soften heart and turn God will help them move toward a repentant heart. This is were becoming a primary stabilizer through prayer and standing firm is important.  There can be times we will want to be the primary mover in their salvation or just trying to be someone’s hero in a daily task. God is the primary mover! Spiritual dead lifters stand firm in Gods power and believe in His salvation through the resurrection of Jesus

Deadlifting is vital for people physically and spiritually. It’s easy to get caught up praying for ourselves and forget there are lost people in our very own neighborhood and place of work. I pray God gives you the eyes to see and hears to hear the need for this type of fervent prayer this Easter! The prayer of salvation! A primary stabilizer in God is a righteous person who can accomplish much and win souls for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Physical Deadlifter

-Trap Bar Deadlifting over Barbell

-Romain Deadlifts

-Single Leg Romain Deadlifts

-Kettlebell Wide Base Deadlift

Form Cues Refer to Deadlift for Super-Human Strength 

Spiritual Deadlifter

-Pray for those who don’t know Jesus and their salvation in Him

-Be a stabilizer and allow God to be the primary mover

Example of a Spiritual Deadlifter Refer to Pursing Power by LIFTING Lives

Worship Song:

Question Your Salvation?

If you are reading this post and do not know Jesus or ever heard of Him. He is the Son of God and came to take out the penalty of sin, which is eternal death.  He loves you and cares so much about you. There are people right now in your local area showing you His genuine love. If you feel His love look to Him. Because of what He has done for you on the cross. All we have to do is repent, which means a feeling of deep regret and ready to turn from our sins and selfishness, and declare Jesus is Lord in our lives. Then we will be saved, but we have to believe it and really mean it in our heart. If you want that opportunity. Take a moment in private and talk to God. Declare His goodness, glory, authority, and need for Him in your life. Ask for forgiveness of all your wrongdoing, lies, conceit, deception, and manipulation. Then officially declare His rule and dominion in your life forever and you will be transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prayer for Salvation 

“Dear Jesus, thank you for loving and living for me. I accept what you have done for me by being nailed to the cross and dying for the sins of the world. You died, but three days later rose again. Forgive me of my many sins for they are too many to count. I know I am a sinner and I need a savior. I declare Jesus as Lord in my life and receive His forgiveness. Teach me how to live and how to love from now on, In Jesus name, Amen.”

If you made that decision to accept Jesus please let us know here and personally text me at 404-316-9527, so we can praise God for you!

Be on the lookout for the next blog post called Real CrossFit, for you cannot have a resurrection without the crucifixion. 

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