Chris Timm, Author at Faith & Fitness Magazine For Building Physical and Spiritual Strength Tue, 06 Aug 2024 14:49:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Want to live dangerously? Tue, 06 Aug 2024 14:49:08 +0000 Tired of living the safe life? Trust God and live dangerously. He's waiting for you to take the leap and swim with the sharks.

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I would like to address again something that continues to concern me-our obsession with safety. We pray for safety all the time (you’re probably thinking I’m reckless, but I’m not) yet have rarely heard prayers that we may be dangerous to our enemy the devil and the darkness-filled world around us.  I have seen this only grow ever since the Coronavirus pandemic. We push in the gym, we push our athletes but do we push ourselves in life?

See if you agree with what you read:  For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)

Now answer this question: what is the biggest threat that faces not only Christian youth but also the church?  Sex, drugs and rock and roll? Post-modernity?  Our government?

Yes, these are all problems, but I think the biggest threat that we face as a church and believers is something far more pervasive, yet a threat that very few see coming. It’s the threat of accepting the safe life. It’s the life the elder brother chose in the story Jesus told about the prodigal son. It’s a life defined by what you are not.

And yet we are God’s handiwork, created to do good works.

Called for more

Are you like most Christians who are satisfied by ‘not being bad?’ The issue is as long as you are content with who you are not, you’re not embracing the person who God created you to be.

The gospel calls you to do more, so much more. If you read our passage from earlier again, you find that God considers each of His children a masterpiece, created as His finest work, to display His glory.  The gospel calls you to your original purpose, designed before the world began.  You were born for something. Hint: it’s not to sit around and live safe, measured, easy lives. You were born to live out a radical, difference-making life, to transform the world around you with the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

So what does that look like?  It could be in full-time ministry. God called me out a successful (and enjoyable) career in the investment industry.  Or it may be as a difference-maker in the field of art, athletics, law, service or medicine.  The sky is literally the limit.

Don’t settle

Be careful!  The enemy wants us to be content with just being the good little Christian who doesn’t do anything wrong but doesn’t really do anything transforming either.  But the gospel calls you to something more.   Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 28 to go INTO the world and makes disciples of all nations. That means we need to be in the mix, get our hands dirty, roll up our sleeves and be engaged.

I hope by now you are asking as I did earlier: what does that look like for me?  I wish I could tell you God’s plan for you, but I can’t. I do know that when you find it, it won’t be safe, in fact you’ll be dangerous. Dangerous to apathy, dangerous to status quo, dangerous to safe. Yes, it does have a cost and it is hard at times (trust me, I KNOW this!) but you have a God who put this plan together before the beginning of time and He’s with you every step of the way. You are his HANDIWORK, his creation, and he has PLANS for you. How cool is that?

There is risk, it can (and will) be scary. I remember when I left my job in the investment business for ministry, taking a big pay cut and terrified I wouldn’t make it. And here I am and oh, the stories I can tell of God’s provision.   If you’d like to hear it, please ask.  The thing to remember is it’s never too late to dive deeper into God’s plans for you and become dangerous! 

Swim buddies

Last thing: If you’re going to jump out of the boat and start to swim in the dangerous seas of life you need someone to journey with you.  Part of the success for the US Navy SEALS is they never do anything alone. At the most basic level each SEAL has a Swim Buddy, someone they go through all form of challenges with. If you’re going to swim with the sharks, you can’t do it alone. Find someone to swim with.  Then, jump out of the boat, start swimming, be dangerous, and experience the power of God’s purpose and plan for you.

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Why God? Wed, 03 Jul 2024 07:16:00 +0000 Are you struggling with something right now? Where is your hope? Shift your perspective and with God you can go through anything.

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I was speaking with a nationally ranked athlete struggling as she went through a debilitating physical issue recently which was keeping her from competing.  She tried to put on a good face since she is a Christian but was understandably struggling with this.  After listening and empathizing with her she knew it was safe to share with me the real thought on her mind and heart: Why God?

Good questions

Have you ever asked any of these questions:

“How could a good God allow this to happen?”

“Where was God in all this?”

And the simpler but more direct: “why God?”

Those are all excellent and fair questions in times like this and similar to ones I ask myself. First off, I’d say we shouldn’t try to look for simple or pat answers in times like this. God is mysterious at times and his ways our not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). We need to rest in his sovereignty and perfect plan. We live in a fallen world and so disaster and tragedy should be expected. Still, God doesn’t leave us hanging in times like this.

Jesus said this in John 16 as a reminder when we ask ‘why God?’: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

The God we serve

We serve a God who knows what it’s like to suffer as well. Jesus was betrayed and abandoned by his friends, he was tortured, mocked and ridiculed by those he came to love and save and ultimately faced capital punishment for a crime he didn’t commit suffering the agony of the cross and the weight of the sin of the world. As Paul reminds us in his letter to the church of Rome: “While we were stills sinners, Jesus died for the ungodly.” (Rom.5:8)

So, God knows and more importantly, he acts to bring comfort and meaning to senseless tragedies like this.  So how could God allow this to happen? He gives us free will and we have choices such as the choice to accept or reject him.  Where was God? In the same place he’s always been. God is still on the throne; he’s not surprised by what’s going on and he’s already working. This is what I shared with this athlete and would like to with you.  

So, ‘why God?’  We ultimately don’t know but we know we follow a God who’s been there, who loved us enough to send his son to die for us and is working even now to bring comfort and meaning to this tragedy.

A powerful response to a terrible tragedy

Several years ago, there was a tragic bus accident when a truck hit a bus full of hockey players on the way to a game. Most of the of the players were either killed or severely injured.  I read the transcript and watched the message the town’s pastor and team chaplain Sean Brandow gave at the memorial service for the victims that was held afterwards. It was a powerful, spirit-led moment and explained this far better than I could.  So, I close with it:

What will you do with one breath? Each breath that you have left, what are you going to do with it? Will you seek the God who has walked and who has died to show his love and his concern and his care for you? Or will you get bitter and angry and frustrated? Come to the God of comfort.

I want to read one verse. This is from Paul, the book of Romans, chapter 15, verse 13: ‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the holy spirit.’ I told my church this this morning, I’ve never felt so empty in my life. I needed to be reminded of Jesus, I needed to hear from God in this darkness. I didn’t have anything to give because I wasn’t full of hope myself. As the verse ends, you know, may God fill you with that. God can fill you up so that you can be a blessing to somebody else, but if you don’t have hope, you can’t be a blessing to anyone else.

I want you to be full of hope, through the person of Jesus Christ. We receive him by faith, knowing full well what he has done and what he has accomplished.

I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that.


Isn’t that amazing? Pastor Sean’s words were so powerful.  The truth is I don’t have all the answers either to why we suffer but I know who does. I know who to look towards and that gives me a living hope and answers my ‘why?’ questions.

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Are you a Christian or a disciple? Thu, 06 Jun 2024 14:59:04 +0000 What does it mean to be a disciple? We talk about it a lot but do not understand the need for discipline at the core of this thought. Read this month's blog to find out how you to can practice the discipline we see in our veterans.

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What does it mean to be a disciple? It takes discipline. Last weekend was Memorial Day in the United States.  It is an opportunity to not only pay homage to those who gave their lives for the cause of freedom but also to remember their sacrifices. As someone who served in the military but never combat, I always get reflective at this event (and in Canada, Remembrance Day in November) wondering if I could have done with these brave men and women did. Was I the real deal or just a poser? From there my mind drifts towards my Christian experience and I wonder the same thing.

Remembering, though an act of respect, has a hidden opportunity to it-the chance to learn from the example of those we are remembering.  When we think of our veterans we think of courage and sacrifice. We see honor but much of that comes out of a character trait: discipline.  When you think of a soldier you think of discipline, at least I do.  Here is how this ties in to faith and fitness. It takes discipline to do more than ‘work out’ but rather to train towards an objective. It is no surprise that so many in the military and first responders are fitness enthusiasts.  Their discipline breeds this kind of mindset and being fit is part of it.

What about our faith though?  Do you think that about being a Christian?

The reality of our faith experience

Sadly, that is not likely the first thing that often comes to mind when we consider our faith experience. Yet Jesus calls us to have discipline when he calls us to be disciples, or followers, of Him. The word is rooted in that. 

In a recent survey of Canadians 77% considered themselves Christians.  Really??

If 77% of Canadians were true followers of Jesus, living as we’ve been taught in the Bible this country would be a very different place. I suspect the same thing is the case in the United States since I have seen similar statistics.  We find instead this is a cultural connection rather than a spiritual transformation.  Jesus hit the nail on the head when He said in Luke 9:23-24 “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.”  Denial…lose…the character traits of discipline.  Hard, but necessary.

The path of discipline

Discipline is defined as an orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior. We see this epitomized in our veterans and those who continue to put themselves in harm’s way to help those who cannot help themselves. We who are followers of Jesus are to be the same way and live by the same code in the spiritual sense.

So, to be more than a mere Christian, to become a disciple and therefore experience true Christianity means it’s more than a cultural experience.  Instead, it is an all-out commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. That takes discipline. God makes stringent demands on his disciples in terms of attitude and lifestyle, action and heart.

How do we recognize it? How do we know if we have it in our lives?  Jesus doesn’t leave us hanging.  I really like that about Him.  He explained it to them in the verses Luke recorded above and Matthew wrote as well: “he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). We see from this it is a life that shows:

A denial of self …it’s looking to something higher and greater then self

A deliberate choosing of the cross….a willingness to sacrifice or to give up for the cause of Christ

A life spent following Christ…this is a supreme love for Jesus as He explained in Luke 14:26-33 of loyalty, counting the cost and willingly doing it

Now go do it!

Martin Luther once said “A religion that gives nothing, costs nothing, and suffers nothing, is worth nothing.”  God, through His gracious power allows us to experience something so much more than mere religion. He fills us with His Holy Spirit, empowers US to be his agents and vessels of grace, his hands and feet.  That is tough, it can only be done through Him.  That takes discipline and it does cost something.

Are you settling for being merely a Christian when the great adventure of being a disciple is available? Are you disciplined in the gym but flabby in church?  Choose spiritual fitness.  Just like our veterans did, you need to sign up and then serve as our commander chooses.  It’s never too late!  Lest we forget.  Thank you to our veterans, military community and first responders for all you do may we honor what you do by how we live.

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Learning when to say no Tue, 07 May 2024 01:19:22 +0000 Are you struggling with saying yes? Learn how to decide what to do and when.

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Do you struggle to say no?  Have you been here before?  People have asked for help and you said yes. Now you feel overwhelmed.  If you have worked in ministry or sports for any length of time you will at some point find yourself balancing what can seem like an overwhelming array of opportunities and commitments. People who work in teaching, coaching or ministry tend to show an innate desire to help others succeed which leads to saying ‘yes’ far more often than sometimes can be managed. It’s a path that can lead to burnout and a lack of satisfaction both at home and in this environment.

How do we manage this?

Early in my ministry as a pastor, and my coaching career, I learned how to navigate this with a framework that helped me say ‘no’ when the workload became too much and allowed me to find balance between service and self-care.  In the past year, I have regularly had people want to join my training group. While I love their desire to grow as athletes, my group is full.  The temptation is there to expand, to ‘help out’, but I have had to learn to say no.  But it is still hard.

A grid for making choices

Here is a grid you can use to assess your commitments and opportunities. Think about it like evaluating the performance of an athlete or team, its crucial to evaluate the things you do to optimize your success at serving and maintain personal health.

An Absolute Yes

These are critical, game-changing commitments that align perfectly with your ministry, coaching or service philosophy and objectives

A Conditional Yes

These ones you are open to saying ‘yes’ but with certain conditions in place.  For example, you may accept more responsibilities if they are moving your vision or mission forward.

A Definite No

Think of these as an unworkable tactic; these requests don’t align with your mission, vision or objectives. Politely declining these commitments, say no. This will free up time and energy for the work that truly matters.

“May your yes mean yes”

The bible has much to say on this subject.  Jesus said “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.”  He reminds us to be definitive in what we say and then stick to it.  Further, Paul reminds us “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him”. This is a great reminder when we feel overwhelmed.  Look to God’s promises and then make your decision.

You can do it!

What do you think? Is this doable? Can you say no?  If you find yourself struggling with number 2 or 3, my own experience has taught me that if you find it hard to say ‘go’ maybe you need to say it more often because if you never say ‘no’ then your ‘yes’ lacks meaning.  Its important to understand that saying ‘no’ isn’t about missed opportunities. Rather, its about ensuring that every ‘yes’ contributes to your journey and also your longevity in whatever you are doing. We all have our limits; this helps us not blow through them.  We who are also lifting others up need to remember our own well being.  If you’ve ever flown you’ll remember the safety briefing: in case emergency, also put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others. This is not selfishness or unspiritual, it reminds us to prioritize our self-care and well-being which allows us then to become more effective at helping others.  Finish well!

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“No more half reps”: Looking at spiritual growth Wed, 03 Apr 2024 13:29:00 +0000 Have you ever seen someone do a half rep at the gym? How about in life? This article looks at giving God our best not just in the gym but life.

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I recently read an article by Arnold Schwarzenegger that got me thinking about our spiritual growth journey. He was talking about something I see far too often- people doing half reps in order to lift more weight and so not receiving the full benefit of the exercise. That’s bad. Even worse, I have seen this often in the spiritual lives of many doing the same thing-half-reps in life.

Arnold speaks wisdom

With is in mind, here is what Arnold said: “these days, in the gym, the most common thing I’m telling people is to stop doing half-reps, quarter-reps, or three-quarter reps.
There is an epidemic of people not doing a full movement, and it worries me.
If you’ve ever been near me in the gym, you’ve probably heard me tell somebody to stop doing half-reps.
Here’s why it worries me.
We go to the gym for all the benefits of being fit and strong. But if you only do half of the movement, you’re only getting half of the benefits.
I worry that the people who do half-reps in the gym are there just to check a box. They aren’t concerned about whether they’re making the most of their half-hour or hour of training.
I completely understand that there are bad days where we all have to force ourselves to the gym just to go through the motions. But if that’s what you’re doing, then go through the motions.
We know that resistance training with a full range of motion is just as powerful as stretching for increasing flexibility and mobility. We know training with a full range of motion is the most efficient way to gain strength and muscle mass.
But still, people go to the gym and do half-reps.
I’m worried because people are missing out on the fantastic benefits of progressive weight resistance training. But I’m even more worried about what it might mean for the rest of their lives.
If you don’t make the most of your time in the gym, I am willing to bet you aren’t making the most of your time, period. If you do half-reps of pull-ups, I’m guessing we can find other parts of your life you’re giving half the attention needed.”

I think Arnold is on to something that relates to our journey of spiritual growth.

Half reps in life?

As a pastor, and a coach, I see this happen far too often. People are cutting corners in order to ‘accomplish more’ and in the end they are finding less. This is not just the case in the physical realm, but I see this in the spiritual realm also. People are fooling themselves cutting corners in their spiritual development and learning to ‘fake it to make it’. God sees this and is not impressed.

The book of Proverbs has a lot to say on this issue. One particular statement from this book of wisdom states: The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied. (Prov.13:4)

We are reminded that whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord (Col.3:23)
A well know verse is Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through him who strengthens me. This verse is often misused. What Paul is telling us here is God gives the ability to overcome anything we face. This includes spiritual sloth and struggles with motivation.

Give God your best

What all these verses tell us is that we are to give God our best and give it our all. That means not just Sunday morning, in your small group, or doing a bible study. It also means when you’re sitting down to dinner with your family, sending an email for work or doing full reps in the gym. Are you giving these things your all? Is this an act of worship?

So, the gym is representative of your life. There are good day and bad days of training. So too with our spiritual life. Success in spiritual growth demands struggle. Full effort beats half effort every time. Progress requires learning to love the process, the joy is in the doing. Now get to the gym and do full reps and then do the same in your ‘workout’ for God.

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The hope of Easter Tue, 05 Mar 2024 16:55:48 +0000 How is your faith this Easter? Where is your hope? Look to Jesus and everything changes.

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If you have been reading this column for a while you will know I wrote on the theme of hope at Easter a couple of years ago. No, I have not run out of content. Rather, the topic of hope is one I come across a lot as people seem to be running out of it. This holds even for high performance athletes and those the world looks on with admiration due to their physical prowess. No, we all need the reminder of the hope that we find at Easter each year.

We hope for many things- to win the championship, to make more gains, to lose 10lbs.   What really is this kind of hope?  Often It is wishful thinking.  When the Psalmist wrote: ‘Put your hope in God” (Ps.42:5) he did not have this whimsical idea of glory or fame. And no, he was definitely not thinking of ‘cross your fingers and think happy thoughts’.  Just as Paul talked about being “joyful in hope” (Rom.12:12) the Bible has a very different take on it. When we read ‘hope’ here it means confident expectation or anticipation. It is like the days leading up to Christmas or the night before your birthday. You know it is coming and you cannot wait!

Hope is built on God’s promises

This kind of hope is built on the promises of God as found in the Bible. This is a hope that does not disappoint (Rom.5:5) .  If we’re honest with ourselves, we do suffer a lot of disappointment in our lives. We are disappointed and discouraged by all the things we did not do, by the failed goals or losses.  Our marriages are disappointing, our relationships are unfulfilling, and on and on it goes. We lack hope, despair crowds in. We try to rally our spirits, but it is hard. Yet when we put our hope in God, in the promises of scripture, no matter what is happening around us, we will find we are not disappointed because our hope is in God.

How do you experience that kind of hope? Simply, you need to align yourself to God and His rules for life. He cannot empower what He is not in. That means we need to practice the spiritual disciplines of confessing our sins and that Jesus is Lord.  We need to repent or turn from the things that are displeasing to God.  Then we accept His gift of forgiveness finally living according to the precepts and principles of the Bible.  When we do that, we can truly experience a lasting, deep, and satisfying hope.

Easter reminds us of God’s love

At Easter time we are reminded anew that God loved us so much He sent His only son to die for us.  The Word became flesh.  Anyone who believes in Him, confessing Jesus as Lord and believing in their heart God raised Him from the dead will not perish. Instead, they will experience the joy, hope, and promise of life everlasting in Heaven, a real place. (John 3:16, John 1:14, Rom.10:9).

At Easter we remember Jesus dying a criminal’s death on a Roman cross but through that voluntary act defeating sin.  We remember Jesus’ burial after his death, a reminder that there are dark days for those who are His followers.  We also remember a stone rolled away, an empty tomb and that death could not hold Him down.  He has defeated death. Through this we too will experience a future resurrection into a perfect living for eternity in a place where there is no more war, abuse, divorce, disease, or suffering-Heaven.

And that gives us hope and is our hope, our confident expectation, our anticipation of what is to come, found at this special time of year-Easter.  That trumps everything we have and will face in the year to come.  Let us celebrate this hope and let our lights shine!

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Are you a happy person? Sat, 03 Feb 2024 10:25:00 +0000 Are you a happy person? While there a lot of things we cannot control there are many we can. When you know the different you can get on the path to happiness.

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Are you a happy person? What do you project when you’re at the gym? If you’re like me, I put my headphones on and go into beast mode.  I think I am happy but am I really?  Does it matter?

This month I want to share the idea that happiness matters.  February is a month where there is a lot of focus on mental health. I’m participating in a push up challenge to bring focus to the issue of men’s mental health and suicide rate.  The Bible tells us: “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22).  The reality is we are whole beings, and our emotional state affects our bodies. This impacts all dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional, mental, relational, financial, and spiritual. This proverb demonstrates the concept of how a joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. Happiness matters!

Times have changed quite a bit in half a century. We make far more money than our ancestors did, but according to research, we aren’t any happier. It often seems that happiness is just around the corner… if we work hard enough. But happiness doesn’t come wrapped with a big red bow with car keys attached. The best path to happiness is found in several characteristics of happy people. Scientists suggests that half of our happiness is dependent on our genetic make-up, but that we can determine the other half. It’s empowering to know that our actions can have a direct effect on our level of happiness, regardless of our genetic predisposition. This is also a biblical concept as well. 

Jesus said, “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” (John 10:10).  So then, what does it look like?

Here are some attributes found in genuinely happy people.  They may be just what you need to ensure you stay in a positive state and impact positively the people around you.

Laughter really is the best medicine for the sickening feeling of an unhappy life. Laughing out loud releases feel-good chemicals in your brain, the same chemicals found in people who have a sense of joy and well-being. Not only does laughing make you feel good, it’s also very good for your health. Researchers from the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore found that people who suffered from heart disease were 40 percent less likely to laugh in situations in which people without heart disease would. So, if you’re interested in living a long, happy life, implement more laughable moments. Surround yourself with funny people, watch movies that make you chuckle.  Even learn to take yourself less seriously and maybe even take your headphones off and share a laugh with someone at the gym.

Okay, so you’re laughing, how else can you be happier in general?

Life can seem long and lonely without good friends, family or training partners around. Research says if you want to lead a happy life, you need a strong support system. The Framingham Heart Study, published in the British Medical Journal followed 4,739 individuals for 20 years from 1983 to 2003. They found that, just like a cold, happiness is contagious. James H. Fowler and Nicholas A. Christakis, the professors that led the study, began to notice that happy people clustered together and, unfortunately, so did unhappy people. The people who identified themselves as friends, family and co-workers of the happy group were more likely to be happy themselves and continued to be happy far into the future. The professors stated in their paper, “People’s happiness depends on the happiness of others with whom they are connected. This provides further justification for seeing happiness, like health, as a collective phenomenon. 

‘Birds of a feather flock together’. Search for trustworthy friends that are usually in a good mood, and you’ll live a happy life regardless of how thick your wallet is.

Resiliency is a key that unlocks the door to happiness. We know this as an important training concept but what about in your broader life?  The reality is life is full of setbacks, but only discontented, gloomy people allow those setbacks to keep them down. According to Ann S. Masten, author of “Ordinary Magic: Lessons from Research on Resilience in Human Development,” people who have the ability to pick themselves up and learn and grow from their experiences breed success and happiness. Life is full of teachable moments, and you can learn valuable lessons from your mistakes. Bouncing back empowers you to face each obstacle that comes your way with confidence. So next time life lets you down, pick yourself up, brush yourself off and start over.

The Bible tells us, “we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10).
It’s not an easy task to follow your heart’s calling — you must be brave, resilient and not care what others think. Joseph Campbell, author of “The Hero With a Thousand Faces,” studied different cultures, myths and religions all over the world.  He found that the happiest people followed an inner calling and had a purpose in life. An inner calling is the one thing your heart cries out for, the thing you would do even if you were never paid to do it. Your purpose in life may include being the best trainer or coach ever, leading a small group or simply enjoying life so others will do the same. Regardless of what it is, the decision rests solely in your hands. No one can tell you what your heart longs for and only you will have the passion to find it. Follow your bliss!

I think this is likely evident to us, but it bears sharing with others around us.  Working out is something happy people have at the top of their to-do lists. Researchers at Penn State University studied 190 college students over an eight-day period and 63 college students for a 14-day period. Subjects were asked to keep a daily journal of their activities, sleep patterns and how they felt. Results from both groups showed the amount of exercise they did each day had a direct effect on their satisfaction with life. They don’t call it a ‘runner’s high’ (or ‘lifter’s high’!) for nothing.

Exercise increases the amount of happy chemicals released in your brain, creating a powerful cocktail of neurotransmitters that are sure to put a smile on your face. Exercise also helps your digestion, keeps your heart healthy, aids in sleep and helps you look good. I suspect we know this but its good to remember and share with others we work with.

There you have it!  Struggling with happiness?  Look to apply these easy to do practices to your life and watch things change.  Finding yourself in a darker place and feeling alone? Reach out to me and let’s talk. I’d be happy to walk with you as I’ve done with many others over the years.  Be a happy person!


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A new year and a new opportunity Sat, 06 Jan 2024 16:13:43 +0000 Are you looking to start the new year right? It depends on the opportunities you seek. Put discipline in your discipleship and start to grow.

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I’m one who makes New Year’s resolutions and am quite unashamed of it. I find the chance to look back at the previous year and then look to the new one to come helpful.  Goal setting is a useful tool not just for life but for spiritual growth. Lately though I’ve read a number of articles speaking against this practice. Some are tongue-in-cheek decrying the inability of the writer to follow through so why try. Others speak to a lack of necessity.  There’s a sense almost that we don’t need to concern ourselves with such things, that God will take care of it.

I would disagree.

Our walk as disciples, as with those who are engaged it fitness either as professionals or for personal pursuit, is one that should be purposeful and not random. When Jesus enters us through the Holy Spirit our life is changed.  We are a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come (2 Cor.5:17).  What this means is we begin a process which is called sanctification where we become more like Jesus and less like ourselves.  God provides salvation, it’s by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. That’s His part. But after that we have to do something with this amazing gift. Paul encourages us to work out of salvation (Phil.2:12) while James exhorts us to be doers of the word and not listeners only (James 1:22).

That means we have a part to play.

Our part to play

When Paul was mentoring a young pastor named Timothy he used the analogy of an athlete.  As a track and fitness coach I like that but the point is the same whether you’re an athlete or not: train yourself to be godly (1 Tim 4:7). We have spiritual muscles that need to be used and challenged to grow. If not, we can fall into spiritual sloth. How do we train ourselves? How do we even know if we’re growing or not? We set goals and then assess how we’re doing, adjusting along the way. There’s no magic to this or ‘secret sauce’ missing, there’s only purposefully doing it.

That’s where it gets tough.

We have to fight our tendency towards apathy and spiritual laziness all the time. We fight an enemy who doesn’t want us to grow in God. If we don’t, well, our relationship with God will dwindle, our light will be dull, and there will be little joy in our Christian experience.

Key questions to ask

While there are lots of great goals to make here are a couple of questions to ask yourself at the beginning of the year (or your birthday, spiritual anniversary or some milestone):

-What’s one thing you can do this year to increase your enjoyment of God?

-In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress this year and what will you do about it?

-What’s the most important way you will, by God’s grace, try to make this year different from last year?

There are dozens of questions you can ask. The point is to take some time at some point in the year and look at what progress you’ve (hopefully!) made during the time period and then look to see what steps you can take to continue to grow. Jesus talked about a tree that doesn’t bear fruit in its life being cut off while those that do are pruned (John 15:2). That can be (and should be!) pretty sobering.  How do you know if you’re bearing fruit? By looking at what you’ve done. How do you prune? By looking at your life and making the changes needed to grow in Christ.  It’s not just a command from the Lord, it’s actually pretty practical and has a transformational impact on your life. 

God has given us a tremendous opportunity to impact our life and the lives around us.  So why don’t you consider setting some spiritual goals for yourself after doing an assessment along the way to having a great 2024?  Train yourself to be Godly!

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Christmas- a mysterious event Tue, 05 Dec 2023 01:46:18 +0000 While Christmas is a familiar event it can also be mysterious and lead to more questions than it answers. That's why so many people struggle with it. But looking at it through the perspective of the opportunity it gives us to trust God changes everything.

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I’ve been thinking a lot about Christmas lately. Not surprising, right? But it’s moved in a more specific direction. What’s been on my mind is the Nativity or the birth of Jesus.  I’ve been thinking how crazy it sounds that God, the creator of all things, would be born as a baby, to a virgin, in a place like Bethlehem, fully man and fully God. Is it just me or does that sound crazy? I think it does despite it being true.

Let me explain how I got to this point.

The reality of struggles

The last few months I’ve been struggling with a number of things in my life including a couple of nagging injuries that have impacted my training. It’s got me thinking about how God fits into them.  I’ve begun to see Him outside the box He’s neatly resided in (I hate it when God gets out of the box, things then get complicated). As I was reading and considering this situation I read a short prayer that has been with me ever since:

“Lord God, though I don’t understand you I will trust you.”

That has been both liberating and a bit scary.  I’m a type-A guy and a leader.  I’m a coach and athlete who likes to put stock in results.  Trust comes hard I admit. I like to set the tone.  When I understand it’s a lot easier.  I have a season plan and I stick to it, I periodize my training.  This prayer says trust anyway.  We enter into the realm of mystery when we trust without understanding.  It’s hard to do but then that’s where God really shows up.

Paul talked about this when he said: “This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus….this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ, and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things.” (Eph.3:6-9)

The reason for Christmas

That is what Christmas is about.  This is what Christian’s (should) celebrate every December 25th-that in a manger in Bethlehem hundreds of years ago God’s plan to bring salvation to all mankind was enacted. This is the hidden mystery which has been revealed and though hard to understand, by default, we are called to trust in it and the One who set it in motion.

That’s also where the problem comes for so many; when we move from principle to practice.

Sure, we trust God, but do we really TRUST God??  I’m not so sure. When I look at my life and the lives of many around me our actions don’t show that. We pay lip service to it. We sing one thing Sunday and live another on Monday.

As we confront the reality of Christmas and what it means –the Word became flesh (John 1:14), God Himself came as man.  The angels proclaimed this message of hope to a group of shepherds minding their own business. We read about this in Luke 2, we recite it, our kids will act it out this Sunday in our Christmas pageant.  But do we UNDERSTAND what happened and do we TRUST the implications of it? 

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)

Couldn’t they have just posted it on social media?  No, this was more, this was a proclamation. A message that salvation had come for all people, not just a select few, that the old way of trying to work our way into Heaven (which doesn’t work by the way) is done, the Messiah had come!

Good news

So what does this mean for us and why is it such a gift?  Just this: that even though you may not understand it all, you don’t have to. Gods got it covered.  This is good news! He’s given us the greatest Christmas gift ever:  that if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ we will be saved (Acts 2:21).  Have you received the gift? Have you opened it?  Do it and watch your life be changed forever.

Merry Christmas from the Fit Pastor. May you experience peace on earth and joy in your world this Christmas and in the year to come.

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Be a bringer of hope Fri, 03 Nov 2023 09:36:00 +0000 Hope is perhaps our most precious commodity. Without it most will give up. Be a person who is a bringer of hope!

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This is going to be a bit of a shorter article this month but one that makes up for it by packing more of a punch. Hope is a precious commodity and one that is becoming in shorter supply these days.  Former Olympic athlete and World War 2 pilot Louie Zamperini spent 2 ½ years being tortured in a Japanese POW camp.  He said even in the worst of situations ““a part of you still believes you can fight and survive no matter what your mind knows. It’s not so strange. Where there’s still life, there’s still hope.”  That is hope lived out.

A hope that transforms lives

I recently saw the transformation that comes from hope in one of my athletes. She started training with me just after Covid and by her own admission it had “destroyed my life”. This talented young lady had high anxiety, low self esteem and regular bouts of depression despite having incredible potential as an athlete. She just couldn’t see it anymore and so was hoping I could help. It got so bad for her that at the start of last year she was having a service dog trained.

She had no hope.

Gaining traction

As we worked together, I began to work not just on her physical state but more importantly on her psychological state and how she viewed herself to help her. And do you know what?  She started to get some traction. Then she hit all the milestones and goals I had for her and we were satisfied with how the season went.  No, this athlete didn’t qualify for Nationals (it wasn’t one of our goals) so I’d not seen her since the end of July. 

We had our first shake out practice the first week of October and there was something different about her. There was a new confidence, and she led our drills. I was asking all my athletes about school and life, just getting caught up, and she told me “I hold my head up now and walk with good posture. I look people in the eye. I used to always walk with my head down and I don’t anymore.”  That’s transformation! That’s hope lived out. 

While I stress posture as part of good physical mechanics, I’m glad to see her enacting that but its more. This is indicative of a new confidence that manifests itself not just in how she moves but how she sees herself. That only comes through hope.

The Bible says in God’s mercy “he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

Be a bringer of hope

Whether you are a coach like me, a trainer, or just an athlete who is an encourager at the gym, you are that bringer of hope to your athletes.  Biblical hope is a confident EXPECTATION of things to come, it is not wishful thinking. Just as you plan your season and practices, you watch your nutrition and training plan, you don’t leave them to chance, so too we need to be intentional as bringers of hope. Sport is a great vehicle to suffer, struggle and ultimately triumph; it is the greatest vehicle for developing hope. That’s why I’ve coached for most of my pastoral ministry.

Sport becomes a proxy for life and as I’ve found out post-Covid in an increasingly hopeless world its one of the best vehicles to teach people how to find hope and ultimately find hope in God.  The Bible also says, “always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that you have.” Are you hopeful? Do you see God at work in your life? In your coaching? It starts with you and then you share it with you athletes. Be a bringer of hope.

Oh, and the athlete whose story I shared earlier?  She kept the dog as pet since she doesn’t need a service animal anymore. She has a living hope.

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