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The Locker Room Pep Talk

Part of our DO FITNESS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME series on communion and fitness.

Sweaty, bloody, and tired, the players rose to their feet as the Coach entered the locker-room. It had been a hard fought first half in the most important game of their young lives. Coach seemed unphased by the stench of sweat and fear that filled the space. He was brimming with confidence and faith. As he spoke, the words seemed to ignite fire in the hearts of the players. They began to believe as he did. An unwavering commitment, unity, and courage was birthed. At the end of the half-time huddle there was a great shout, and then the players marched triumphantly out to the battle set before them.

What if I wasn’t describing a football or basketball pep talk? What if I was describing the Last Supper?

I’m not fond of the name “Last Supper”. We get to feast with Jesus again and He is alive and well. The name goes along with the common view of this famous Passover meal, which is one full of sorrow. We picture a sullen scene as the disciples partake in a gloomy final meal with Jesus.

What if it was more like a huddle or locker room speech? We have the words that Jesus spoke to His disciples during this meal in the gospels (the New Testament Bible teachings of Christ). The most detailed account of this triumphant meal is found in the book of John.

Chapter 13 through 17 of John contain more motivation, encouragement, strength and courage than the most fiery veteran coach.

Whenever you perform communion, you are remembering the body of Jesus that you might have eternal life and victory in every area.


In the speech, Jesus tells his disciples (and us too) to not fear but rather believe. He proclaims that He is the way and that we can do the same works He did and even greater works! We learn that anything we ask in His name we receive. He gave the promise of the Holy Spirit to empower us. We are sent into the world just as He was sent by God. We have the SAME glory that was given to Jesus by God his Father!

I don’t know about you, but doing the same works Jesus did and even greater works makes me want to run around and shout in praise. Jesus was encouraging and equipping His disciples for the battles coming their way. It was time for them to mature and begin to walk like God their Daddy.

Jesus was about to win the ultimate victory over sin, death, and the grave. He was about to deal the knockout blow to Satan. The cross isn’t a symbol of sorrow and despair, but rather of complete victory.

Whenever you perform communion, you are remembering the body of Jesus that was broken for you and the blood that He shed, that you might have eternal life and victory in every area. This includes victory over your health. It is God’s will for you to prosper and be in GOOD HEALTH.


You are a unique creation…no one can take your place. It’s time to take your life OFF OF HOLD and seize victory in every aspect of life with Christ-Centered Fitness.

Jason Berry shows you how to achieve a state of physical fitness and health that is readily prepared to accomplish the will of the Father. In his easy-to-understand style, he outlines everything needed from Biblical fundamentals to workout plans. You’ll discover ways to win the battle inside your mind, overcome by faith, Biblical truths for health—all at your fingertips.


It is important for our body to be healthy so that we can maximize the call of God on our life and serve Him as a living sacrifice with the temple that He has given us. When you celebrate communion, celebrate the victory that you have through Jesus. And YES, this includes your health and fitness.

Coach Jesus has given you a triumphant sermon…. will you rise up?


  1. When you’ve been through a “hard fought first half” of your project, day, week or friendship how do you feel? What makes you feel that way? Describe a workout when you’re just not feeling it or you’re working through an injury or personal defeat.
  2. One definition of communion is: the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level. With that perspective, how can taking communion before or after your fitness activity strengthen you mentally and spiritually? How can your practice of communion help you to LISTEN to God? How long do you think a half-time pep talk usually lasts? Describe what you would do if you give that much time for communion with God.

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2 Responses

  1. There have been times when I’ve been exhausted and on the verge of giving up. I enlisted in the Army National Guard and I was supposed to go to basic training in January, but I got rejected for being three pounds over the weight limit.

    I began to have serious doubts about myself and I wanted to give up, but I’m reminded that God doesn’t give up on me and He won’t let me give up on me. This article really motivated me and gave me the encouragement I needed to keep going.

    God knows what I go through, for He went through it Himself. He knows I’m in a battle, but I have victory in Him! At the end when the whistle blows, I will be victorious in Him!

  2. First, heartfelt thanks to Mr. Berry for his service in the U.S. military. He has a unique perspective in his roles as teacher, trainer, pastor and veteran. I have to admit I smiled at the paradigm shift from the Last Supper being sorrow-filled to a pep talk to the apostles for victory. It’s brilliant! It made me think of communion as an intimate, joyful and tangible covenant with the Lord abiding in us. From his short video and his contemplative article, we can see Mr. Berry’s genuine enthusiasm and his powerful desire to reach people for the Lord.

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